Class FcProcessHistoryPdfHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getNodePrototypes

        public List<INodePrototypeDescriptor<FcProcessLogPdfProps>> getNodePrototypes​(IGetNodePrototypesParams params)
        Description copied from interface: INodeHandler
        Returns a list of all node prototypes for this node type. Each prototype appears in the drawer panel of the workflow designer. The user can move a node prototype via drag & drop into the design area in the center to add the node to the current flowchart.

        You should always return all prototypes, irrespective of whether they are allowed to the current user. IElementHandler.isAvailable(IIsAvailableParams) is checked by the engine, and unavailable node types are removed automatically.

        params - Parameters for this method, such as the current locale for localizing the display name of the prototypes.
        A list of all available prototypes. null is treated as an empty list.
      • getInstance

        public static FcProcessHistoryPdfHandler getInstance()
        The immutable, stateless instance of this handler.
      • getRelatedNodeTypes

        public Set<String> getRelatedNodeTypes()
        Description copied from interface: INodeHandler
        Complex workflow elements may consist of several related node types. For example, a switch may consist of a switch node, a default case node, and a switch case node. This method should return such related node types (but not the IWorkflowElementTypeProviding.getType() itself). This is not a strict requirement, all features will still work even if this method returns an empty set. The result of this method is used e.g. to load the handlers for the related node types when the flowchart is loaded in the designer (otherwise they would be loaded dynamically once required).
        Specified by:
        getRelatedNodeTypes in interface INodeHandler<FcProcessLogPdfProps>
        getRelatedNodeTypes in class FcProcessLogPdfHandler
        A list of related node types.
      • getAttachmentAndFileContentTypes

        public default Set<String> getAttachmentAndFileContentTypes()
        Gets the content types of the attachments and files that can be produced by an execution of the node. See FileListDescriptor.getContentTypes()
        The content types of the attachments and files that can be produced by an execution of the node.
      • getFileValueDescriptor

        public default IFileValueDescriptor getFileValueDescriptor()
        Description copied from interface: IExecutionResultDescriptor
        Creates the descriptor for the file or files that are created and made available to other actions when the node is executed. Should return null when the node provides node files.
        Specified by:
        getFileValueDescriptor in interface IExecutionResultDescriptor
        The descriptor for the file or files made available after the node was executed.