Interface IUserPortalAuthConfigDao

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<UserPortalAuthConfig> getAllByLoginConfig​(IEntityContext ec, UserPortalLoginConfig loginConfig)
      Get all authenticator configurations for a given login configuration.
      • Methods inherited from interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IAbstractDao

        all, bulkDelete, bulkUpdate, checkLockingVersion, create, create, delete, delete, deleteAll, executePagedDaoAction, getAttributes, getAttributes, getSingleAttributes, getSingleAttributes, getTransactionHandler, read, registerListener, registerListener, registerListener, resultTotalCount, setTransactionHandler, singleElement, unregisterListener, unregisterListener, unregisterListener, update, update
    • Method Detail

      • getAllByLoginConfig

        List<UserPortalAuthConfig> getAllByLoginConfig​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                       UserPortalLoginConfig loginConfig)
        Get all authenticator configurations for a given login configuration.
        ec - Entity context for accessing the database.
        loginConfig - The login configuration to get the authenticator configurations for.
        A list of all authenticator configurations for the given login configuration.