Class PluginHelper

  • public class PluginHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginHelper

        public PluginHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getPluginManifest

        public static PluginManifest getPluginManifest​(PluginRuntime pluginRuntime)
        Reads the manifest from the JAR file of the given plugin runtime. Requires that the plugin has a JAR file and is not system-managed.
        pluginRuntime - Plugin runtime to process.
        The manifest, or null when no manifest was found.
      • getPluginManifest

        public static PluginManifest getPluginManifest​(InputStream inputStream)
        Retrieves the plugin manifest for a given plugin JAR file.
        inputStream - Input stream for a plugin JAR file.
        The plugin manifest, or null if it could not be read.
      • readParameterModels

        public static <M extends IExtendedParameterModelList<M> readParameterModels​(PluginRuntime runtime,
                                                                                      Locale locale,
                                                                            <String,​String,​M> modelFactory)
        Creates the parameter models for a plugin. The saved properties are taken from the plugin runtime. Use readParameterModels(PluginRuntime, Properties, Locale, BiFunction) if you wish to pass a custom set of parameters.

        Each parameter model represents a known configuration property with a schema, i.e. whether the property is required etc. This method merges all properties defined by the plugin with all existing, persisted properties of the plugin.

        Type Parameters:
        M - Type of the parameter model to return.
        runtime - Plugin runtime from which to read the current, saved properties.
        locale - Locale for extracting the pre-defined configuration parameters. Their display name and description require localization.
        modelFactory - Factory for creating new parameter model instances. The first argument is name of the property, the second argument is its value.
        The merged list with all configuration properties.
      • readParameterModels

        public static <M extends IExtendedParameterModelList<M> readParameterModels​(PluginRuntime runtime,
                                                                                      Properties persistedProperties,
                                                                                      Locale locale,
                                                                            <String,​String,​M> modelFactory)
        Creates the parameter models for a plugin. Each parameter model represents a known configuration property with a schema, i.e. whether the property is required etc. This method merges all properties defined by the plugin with all existing, persisted properties of the plugin.
        Type Parameters:
        M - Type of the parameter model to return.
        runtime - Plugin runtime from which to read the current, saved properties.
        persistedProperties - The persisted or saved properties of the plugin, such as from a properties file or from the database.
        locale - Locale for extracting the pre-defined configuration parameters. Their display name and description require localization.
        modelFactory - Factory for creating new parameter model instances. The first argument is name of the property, the second argument is its value.
        The merged list with all configuration properties.
      • readBundleConfigParams

        public static Map<String,​IBundleConfigParam> readBundleConfigParams​(List<IBundleProperties> bundleProps,
                                                                                  IPluginResourceHelper resourceHelper,
                                                                                  Locale locale)
        Given a set of bundle property instances from a plugin, reads and returns all configuration parameters from that plugin. When a bundle property instance fails to return a set of configuration parameters, that instance is ignored.
        bundleProps - Bundle properties to process.
        resourceHelper - Resource helper to pass on to each instance.
        locale - Locale to pass on to each instance.
        A map with all available configuration parameters.
      • readParameterModels

        public static <M extends IExtendedParameterModelList<M> readParameterModels​(Map<String,​IBundleConfigParam> preDefinedProperties,
                                                                                      org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration persistedProperties,
                                                                            <String,​String,​M> modelFactory)
        Creates the parameter models for a plugin. Each parameter model represents a known configuration property with a schema, i.e. whether the property is required etc. This method merges all properties defined by the plugin with all existing, persisted properties of the plugin.
        Type Parameters:
        M - Type of the parameter model to return.
        preDefinedProperties - Pre-defined properties as provided by the plugin.
        persistedProperties - Persisted or saved properties for the plugin, such as from an external configuration file or from the database.
        modelFactory - Factory for creating new parameter model instances. The first argument is name of the property, the second argument is its value.
        The merged list with all configuration properties.
      • readParameterModels

        public static <M extends IExtendedParameterModelList<M> readParameterModels​(Map<String,​IBundleConfigParam> preDefinedProperties,
                                                                                      Properties persistedProperties,
                                                                            <String,​String,​M> modelFactory)
        Creates the parameter models for a plugin. Each parameter model represents a known configuration property with a schema, i.e. whether the property is required etc. This method merges all properties defined by the plugin with all existing, persisted properties of the plugin.
        Type Parameters:
        M - Type of the parameter model to return.
        preDefinedProperties - Pre-defined properties as provided by the plugin.
        persistedProperties - Persisted or saved properties for the plugin, such as from an external configuration file or from the database.
        modelFactory - Factory for creating new parameter model instances. The first argument is name of the property, the second argument is its value.
        The merged list with all configuration properties.
      • validateConfigurationAgainstBundlePropertiesSchema

        public static IPluginInitializeValidationResult validateConfigurationAgainstBundlePropertiesSchema​(List<? extends IExtendedParameterModel> properties,
                                                                                                           Locale locale)
        Validates the properties against the schema defined by a bundle properties instance. All required fields must have a value.
        properties - Plugin properties with the schema to validate against.
        locale - Locale for localizing error messages.
        Whether the parameters are valid. If they are invalid, a list of error messages will also be available.
      • createTempRuntime

        public static Closable<PluginRuntime> createTempRuntime​(Path jarFile,
                                                                String name,
                                                                String scopeKey,
                                                                String runtimeKey,
                                                                boolean instantiate)
                                                         throws IOException
        Creates a temporary runtime that can be used e.g. for validation. When the returned item is closed, the temp runtime is cleaned up, but the given source file is not deleted.
        jarFile - JAR file with the plugin.
        name - Name of the plugin JAR, such as the file name.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin.
        runtimeKey - Runtime key of the plugin.
        instantiate - If true, instantiates all contained plugins and adds them to the runtime.
        A temporary plugin runtime for the given JAR file.
        IOException - When the temporary runtime could not be created.
      • createTempRuntime

        public static Closable<PluginRuntime> createTempRuntime​(IThrowingSupplier<InputStream> data,
                                                                String name,
                                                                String scopeKey,
                                                                String runtimeKey,
                                                                boolean instantiate)
                                                         throws IOException
        Creates a temporary runtime that can be used e.g. for validation. When the returned item is closed, the temporary runtime and any created temporary files are cleaned up.
        data - Opens an input stream to the data with the JAR file. The supplied input stream will be closed.
        name - Name of the plugin JAR, such as the file name.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin.
        runtimeKey - Runtime key of the plugin.
        instantiate - If true, instantiates all contained plugins and adds them to the runtime.
        A temporary plugin runtime for the given JAR file.
        IOException - When the temporary runtime could not be created.
      • createTempRuntime

        public static Closable<PluginRuntime> createTempRuntime​(InputStream input,
                                                                String name,
                                                                String scopeKey,
                                                                String runtimeKey,
                                                                boolean instantiate)
                                                         throws IOException
        Creates a temporary runtime that can be used e.g. for validation. When the returned item is closed, the temporary runtime and any created temporary files are cleaned up.
        input - Input stream to the data with the JAR file. The input stream will NOT be closed.
        name - Name of the plugin JAR, such as the file name.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin.
        runtimeKey - Runtime key of the plugin.
        instantiate - If true, instantiates all contained plugins and adds them to the runtime.
        A temporary plugin runtime for the given JAR file.
        IOException - When the temporary runtime could not be created.
      • validateConfigurationAgainstValidationCallback

        public static List<IPluginInitializeValidationResult> validateConfigurationAgainstValidationCallback​(PluginRuntime runtime,
                                                                                                             Locale locale)
        Validates the configuration of the given plugin bundle via IFCPlugin#validateConfigurationData.

        This method read the properties from the plugin runtime. Use the method with an explicit properties argument if you wish to provide a different set of properties.

        runtime - Plugin runtime for the plugin bundle. Usually this will be a temporary runtime, as plugins should not be put into service if validation fails.
        locale - Locale for locale-sensitive operations, such as constructing validation error messages.
        A list of validation results, with one result for each plugin.
      • validateConfigurationAgainstValidationCallback

        public static List<IPluginInitializeValidationResult> validateConfigurationAgainstValidationCallback​(PluginRuntime runtime,
                                                                                                             Properties properties,
                                                                                                             Locale locale)
        Validates the configuration of the given plugin bundle via IFCPlugin#validateConfigurationData.
        runtime - Plugin runtime for the plugin bundle. Usually this will be a temporary runtime, as plugins should not be put into service if validation fails.
        properties - Properties representing the plugin configuration that are to be validated.
        locale - Locale for locale-sensitive operations, such as constructing validation error messages.
        A list of validation results, with one result for each plugin.
      • getPluginManifest

        public static PluginManifest getPluginManifest​(Path jarFile)
        Retrieves the plugin manifest for a given plugin JAR file.
        jarFile - Plugin JAR file to process.
        The plugin manifest, or null if it could not be read.
      • getPluginManifest

        public static PluginManifest getPluginManifest​(File jarFile)
        Retrieves the plugin manifest for a given plugin JAR file.
        jarFile - Plugin JAR file to process.
        The plugin manifest, or null if it could not be read.
      • canPluginBeRegistered

        public static <T extends IFCPlugin> boolean canPluginBeRegistered​(PluginRuntime prtm,
                                                                          Class<T> pluginClass)
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the plugin
        prtm - A plugin runtime to check.
        pluginClass - Class to check
        whether or not the given plugin class can be registered in the given plugin scope
      • isSystemScope

        public static boolean isSystemScope​(String scopeKey)
        Whether the given scope key represents the system scope.
        scopeKey - A scope key to check.
        true if the scope key refers to the system scope, false if it refers to any client scope.
      • isPluginJar

        public static boolean isPluginJar​(File file)
        Tests if the given file is a jar and contains formcycle-plugins of the type IFCPlugin
        file - File
        true if the file is an jar containing an IFCPlugin-implementation, false otherwise
      • isUnpacked

        public static boolean isUnpacked​(org.reflections.Reflections reflections)
        reflections - Reflections to check, as created by createReflections(File).
        true the class path of the reflections is made of unpacked class files, true if the classpath was constructed directly from a JAR file.
      • getBundleProperties

        public static List<IBundleProperties> getBundleProperties​(org.reflections.Reflections reflect)
        Method to load IBundleProperties from the given Reflections
        reflect - Reflections
      • createReflections

        public static org.reflections.Reflections createReflections​(File file)
                                                             throws IOException
        Creates reflections for the given file if it is an jar
        file - The JAR file with the from the plugin.
        A reflections instance for scanning the plugin for classes and resources.
        MalformedURLException - if the file URL is malformed
        IOException - If the JAR file was not unpacked yet and unpacking failed.
      • getAllPlugins

        public static List<? extends Class<? extends IFCPlugin>> getAllPlugins​(org.reflections.Reflections reflect)
      • hasRemotePlugins

        public static boolean hasRemotePlugins​(org.reflections.Reflections reflect)
      • hasServerTypeAnnotation

        public static boolean hasServerTypeAnnotation​(org.reflections.Reflections reflections)
        Checks for FcServerType annotation inside a given Reflections object.
        reflections - Reflection data obtained from scanning the classes.
        true if any FcServerType annotation was found, otherwise false
      • getDisplayName

        public static String getDisplayName​(IFCPlugin plugin,
                                            Locale locale)
        Returns the display name of the plugin if it is not null. Otherwise returns the plugin name.
        plugin - IFCPlugin to get display name for
        locale - Locale to get display name for
        plugin display name or plugin name if plugin display name is null
      • removeJarFileCacheEntries

        public static void removeJarFileCacheEntries​(JarFile jarToDelete)
      • getPluginPropertiesFile

        public static File getPluginPropertiesFile​(String scopeKey,
                                                   String runtimeKey)
      • getPluginProperties

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration getPluginProperties​(PluginRuntime rtm)
      • getPluginProperties

        public static de.xima.cmn.props.FileBasedPropertiesConfiguration getPluginProperties​(String scopeKey,
                                                                                             String runtimeKey)