Class Closable<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Type of the contained item.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Closable<T>
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    A auto closable wrapper for an item that needs to be cleaned up via a custom close action. Useful especially for instances of classes that do not implement AutoCloseable themselves.

    This class guarantees that the close action is performed only once, even if close method is called multiple times. Once closed, the value() method will always return null.

    This class is thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • value

        public T value()
        Gets the wrapped value. Once this closable as closed, this method always returns null.
        The wrapped value, or null when already closed.
      • ofAutoCloseable

        public static <T extends AutoCloseableClosable<T> ofAutoCloseable​(T closable)
        Wraps an auto closable in a closable instance. When the returned closable is closed, the auto closable is closed as well.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the auto closable.
        closable - Auto closable to wrap.
        A closable that wraps the given instance.
      • withCloseAction

        public static <T> Closable<T> withCloseAction​(T item,
                                                      IThrowingConsumer<T> closeAction)
        Creates a new closable that wraps the given item and applies the custom close action when closed.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the item that needs closing.
        item - An item that needs closing.
        closeAction - Action that closes the item.
        A closable with the given item and close action.
      • withCloseAction

        public static <T> Closable<T> withCloseAction​(T item,
                                                      IThrowingRunnable closeAction)
        Creates a new closable that wraps the given item and applies the custom close action when closed.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the item that needs closing.
        item - An item that needs closing.
        closeAction - Action that closes the item.
        A closable with the given item and close action.
      • withDeleteFileOrFolder

        public static Closable<File> withDeleteFileOrFolder​(File fileOrFolder)
        Creates a new closable that wraps the given file or folder and delete that file or folder when closed.
        fileOrFolder - File or folder to wrap.
        A closable with the given file or folder that deletes the file or folder.
      • withDeleteFileOrFolder

        public static Closable<Path> withDeleteFileOrFolder​(Path fileOrFolder)
        Creates a new closable that wraps the given file or folder and delete that file or folder when closed.
        fileOrFolder - File or folder to wrap.
        A closable with the given file or folder that deletes the file or folder.