Interface IFcDeleteAttachmentDescriptors

    • Field Detail


        static final String ATTR_DELETED_ATTACHMENTS
        Name of the property in the result descriptors for the attachments that were deleted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String ATTR_NOT_DELETED_ATTACHMENTS
        Name of the property in the result descriptors for the attachments that were not deleted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        Name of the property in the result descriptors for the attachment that was not deleted
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        Name of the property in the result descriptors for the error details why an attachment was not deleted
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        Name of the property in the result descriptors for the error message why an attachment was not deleted
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorValueDescriptor

        default IUnionValueDescriptor<String> getErrorValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory f)
        Description copied from interface: IExecutionResultDescriptor
        The union descriptor for the different error types that may occur when the node is executed. Each discriminator of the union represents an error or exception type.
         factory.recordBuilder() //
             .requiredProperty("errorCode", factory.integer()) //
             .requiredProperty("errorMessage", factory.string()) //
             .requiredProperty("localizedMessage", factory.integer());
         return factory.add("CONNECT_TIMEOUT", error) //
             .add("READ_TIMEOUT", error);
        The example above uses the same data type for each error, but you can return different data depending on the error type.

        Note that you do not have to include a general error code. When the execute method of a node handler throws an unhandled (runtime) exception, the error code CmnConst.Workflow.ERROR_CODE_GENERAL is set automatically.

        Specified by:
        getErrorValueDescriptor in interface IExecutionResultDescriptor
        f - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. You may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        The value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when the execution of the node failed (such as by throwing an exception).
      • getSoftErrorValueDescriptor

        default IUnionValueDescriptor<String> getSoftErrorValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory f)
        Description copied from interface: IExecutionResultDescriptor
        The union descriptor for the different soft error types that may occur when the node is executed. Each discriminator of the union represents an error or exception type.
         factory.recordBuilder() //
             .requiredProperty("errorCode", factory.integer()) //
             .requiredProperty("errorMessage", factory.string()) //
             .requiredProperty("localizedMessage", factory.integer());
         return factory.add("MISSING_UPLOAD", error) //
             .add("CLIENT_ERROR", error);
        The example above uses the same data type for each error, but you can return different data depending on the error type.

        @implNote This interface provides a default implementation that returns an empty descriptor for backwards compatibility so as not to break existing implementation. However, all existing implementations are strongly advised to override and implement this method. The default implementation may be removed at some point.

        Specified by:
        getSoftErrorValueDescriptor in interface IExecutionResultDescriptor
        f - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. You may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        The value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when the execution of the node was successful, but contains one or more soft errors.
      • getSuccessValueDescriptor

        default IValueDescriptor<?,​? extends IValueBuilder<?>> getSuccessValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory f)
        Description copied from interface: IExecutionResultDescriptor
        Creates the value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when the node was executed successfully.
        Specified by:
        getSuccessValueDescriptor in interface IExecutionResultDescriptor
        f - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. Instead of the factory passed in to this method, you may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        The data provided by the node after having been executed successfully.