Class ResourceItemChoiceProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ResourceItemChoiceProvider
    extends Object
    implements de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceProviding<ResourceItem>
    A choice provider for the workflow that finds the available resource items from the current bean validation context obtained via CDI.

    To omit certain types of resources, include a string parameter named omit*, e.g.

     @SingleChoice(value = AttachmentItemChoiceProvider.class, paramsString = "omitUpload")
     private AttachmentItem attachment;
    Available parameter names are:
    • omitAttachmentSearch - omits attachment items of type ATTACHMENT_SEARCH
    • omitClientFile - omits attachment items of type CLIENT
    • omitExternal - omits attachment items of type EXTERNAL
    • omitFiredTrigger - omits attachment items of type FIRED_TRIGGER
    • omitFormFile - omits attachment items of type FORM
    • omitPreviousNode - omits attachment items of type FILE_PROVIDE_ACTION
    • omitUpload - omits attachment items of type UPLOAD
    Additionally, you can use a string value prefixed with ext: to filter by file extension, e.g. ext:pdf,png.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceItemChoiceProvider

        public ResourceItemChoiceProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getChoices

        public List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getChoices​(de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceProvidingParams params)
        Specified by:
        getChoices in interface de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceProviding<ResourceItem>