Interface ICreateFlowGraphParams<TData,​TElement extends IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding>

    • Method Detail

      • controlTransferBackwardsEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator controlTransferBackwardsEdge()
        A configurator for marking an edge as a control transfer backwards edge. Intended for use with various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.controlTransferBackwardsEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing backwards edges.
      • controlTransferEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator controlTransferEdge()
        Retrieves a configurator for marking an edge as a control transfer forward (non-backwards) edge.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.controlTransferEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing edges.
      • getAnalysisContext

        ICreateFlowGraphContext<TElement> getAnalysisContext()
        Returns the context of the current analysis of potentially executed nodes. How children of a node are analyzed depends on the node kind - use createFlowGraph (or one of its variants) to start the analysis of child nodes.
        The context of the current execution analysis.
      • getChildren

        List<TElement> getChildren()
        The children of the workflow node.
      • getData

        TData getData()
        The custom data of the given node.
      • getKey

        NodeKey getKey()
        The key of the workflow node.
      • getNode

        TElement getNode()
        The node that needs to be analyzed. The exact type of this element may be different depending on whether the execution analysis is run on the backend data model (WorkflowNode) or the corresponding frontend view model.
        The node to be analyzed.
      • normalBackwardsEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator normalBackwardsEdge()
        A configurator for marking an edge as a normal backwards edge. Intended for use with various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.normalBackwardsEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with normal backwards edges.
      • returningBackwardsEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator returningBackwardsEdge()
        A configurator for marking an edge as a returning backwards edge. Intended for use with various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.returningBackwardsEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing backwards edges.
      • returningEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator returningEdge()
        Retrieves a configurator for marking an edge as a returning forward (non-backwards) edge.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.returningEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing edges.
      • throwingBackwardsEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator throwingBackwardsEdge()
        A configurator for marking an edge as a throwing backwards edge. Intended for use with various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.throwingBackwardsEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing backwards edges.
      • throwingEdge

        IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator throwingEdge()
        Retrieves a configurator for marking an edge as a throwing forward (non-backwards) edge.

        Intended as an argument to be passed to the various connect methods from ICreateFlowGraphContext. You should NOT reuse the return value of this method, call it once for each call to connect, e.g.:

         ctx.connect(from, to, params.throwingEdge())
        A configurator for connecting nodes with throwing edges.