Interface IIndirectClientAuthorizationDao

    • Method Detail

      • getByUserProfile

        List<IndirectClientAuthorization> getByUserProfile​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                           org.pac4j.core.profile.UserProfile pac4jProfile)
        Returns all indirect client authorizations which match the profile based on the configured filter.
        ec - entity context for database transactions
        pac4jProfile - to check for
        a list of indirect client authorizations which match the profile based on the configured filter.
      • findUniqueName

        String findUniqueName​(IEntityContext ec,
                              Mandant client,
                              String candidate,
                              IndirectClientAuthorization exclude)
        Returns a name that is not taken by another IndirectClientAuthorization in the given client other than the excluded authorization. An index will be added to the candidate if necessary.
        ec - IEntityContext to be used
        client - Mandant for which a unique indirect client authorization name should be generated
        candidate - String indirect client authorization name candiate to be made unique
        exclude - IndirectClientAuthorization indirect client authorization to be excluded from search
        unique indirect client authorization name in the context of the given client
      • isNameExisting

        boolean isNameExisting​(IEntityContext ec,
                               Mandant client,
                               String name)
        Returns whether or not the given indirect client authorization name exists within the given client
        ec - IEntityContext to be used
        client - Mandant for which to check uniqueness
        name - String indirect client authorization name to check
        whether or not the given name is unique