Interface IVorgangHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getByUuidAndUser

        Vorgang getByUuidAndUser​(UserContext uc,
                                 UUID uuid,
                                 IUser user)
        Finds the form record for the given UUID if the given user has submitted it at some point.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        uuid - the UUID of the form record
        user - to get the form record for.
        The form record with the given UUID if it exists and the user has submitted it at one point. null otherwise.
      • getByUser

        List<Vorgang> getByUser​(UserContext uc,
                                IUser user)
        Gets a list of all form records the user has submitted at some point, in descending order of their (last) modification instant.
        uc - user context for database transactions.
        user - that has submitted the form records at some point.
        a list of all form records the user has submitted at some point, in descending order of their (last) modification instant.
      • getByUser

        PagedResult<Vorgang> getByUser​(UserContext uc,
                                       IUser user,
                                       int page,
                                       int pageSize)
        Gets a sub list of form records the user has submitted at some point, in descending order of their (last) modification instant.
        uc - user context for database transactions.
        user - that has submitted the form records at some point.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get. Defines the size of the returned sub list.
        a sub list of form records the user has submitted at some point, in descending order of their (last) modification instant.
      • bulkMarkRead

        int bulkMarkRead​(UserContext uc,
                         List<Long> formRecordIds,
                         boolean read)
        Bulk updates the 'read' value of all form records with the given IDs to the given 'read' value iff the authenticated user given by the user context has permission to access the form records. If the user context does not provide an authenticated user (e.g. a virtual user) no form records will be updated.
        uc - UserContext with an authenticated user for database transactions. For creating a user context for an authenticated user see UserContextFactory.forUser(IUser).
        formRecordIds - List of IDs of the form records that the user requests to be updated.
        read - Boolean value to set the attribute 'gelesen' to
        the number of updated records
        de.xima.cmn.dao.exceptions.UpdateException - if the given user context does not provide an authenticated user.
      • bulkMove

        int bulkMove​(UserContext uc,
                     Set<Long> formRecordIds,
                     Postfach inbox)
        Bulk moves all form records with the given IDs to the given inbox iff the authenticated user given by the user context has permission to access the form records. If the user context does not provide an authenticated user (e.g. a virtual user) no form records will be updated.
        uc - UserContext with an authenticated user for database transactions. For creating a user context for an authenticated user see UserContextFactory.forUser(IUser).
        formRecordIds - Set of IDs of the form records that the user requests to be updated.
        the number of updated records.
        de.xima.cmn.dao.exceptions.UpdateException - if the given user context does not provide an authenticated user.
      • bulkDelete

        int bulkDelete​(UserContext uc,
                       List<Long> formRecordIds)
        Bulk deletes all form records with the given IDs iff the authenticated user given by the user context has permission to access the form records and the form records can be deleted (the state allows deletion). If the user context does not provide an authenticated user (e.g. a virtual user) no form records will be deleted.
        uc - UserContext with an authenticated user for database transactions. For creating a user context for an authenticated user see UserContextFactory.forUser(IUser).
        formRecordIds - List of IDs of the form records that the user requests to be deleted.
        the number of deleted form records.
        de.xima.cmn.dao.exceptions.DeleteException - if the given entity context does not provide an authenticated user.
      • getParent

        Vorgang getParent​(UserContext uc,
                          Vorgang formRecord)
        uc - The user context for the user who initiated this query.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the parent.
        The parent form record of the given form record, or null if no parent exists.
      • getChildren

        List<Vorgang> getChildren​(UserContext uc,
                                  Vorgang formRecord)
        uc - The user context for the user who initiated this query.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the parent.
        All children of the given form record, or an empty list if no children exist.
      • addSubmission

        Vorgang addSubmission​(UserContext uc,
                              Vorgang formRecord,
                              IUser user,
                              EFormRecordSubmitContext submitContext,
                              FrontendServer submitFrontendServer,
                              String submitServerBaseUrl,
                              String formData,
                              boolean newDataEntry)
        Adds a new submission to the form record.
        uc - The user context.
        formRecord - The form record to which the submission should be added.
        user - user who submitted the form record.
        submitContext - The context in which the form record was submitted.
        submitFrontendServer - The frontend server that received the submission.
        submitServerBaseUrl - The base URL of the server that received the submission.
        formData - The data of the submission.
        newDataEntry - Whether this submission should be stored as a new data entry.
        The updated form record with the added submission.