Interface Newline

  • public interface Newline
    Represents a type of newline.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • asSeparator

        NewlineProcessor asSeparator()
        Interprets this type of newline as a line separator.

        Two ways to view newlines, both of which are self-consistent, are that newlines either separate lines or that they terminate lines.

        If a newline is considered a separator, there will be no newline after the last line of a file. Some programs have problems processing the last line of a file if it is not terminated by a newline. On the other hand, programs that expect newline to be used as a separator will interpret a final newline as starting a new (empty) line.

        Conversely, if a newline is considered a terminator, all text lines including the last are expected to be terminated by a newline. If the final character sequence in a text file is not a newline, the final line of the file may be considered to be an improper or incomplete text line, or the file may be considered to be improperly truncated.

        A newline processor that interprets this type of newline as a line separator.
      • asTerminator

        NewlineProcessor asTerminator()
        Interprets this type of newline as a line terminator.

        Two ways to view newlines, both of which are self-consistent, are that newlines either separate lines or that they terminate lines.

        If a newline is considered a separator, there will be no newline after the last line of a file. Some programs have problems processing the last line of a file if it is not terminated by a newline. On the other hand, programs that expect newline to be used as a separator will interpret a final newline as starting a new (empty) line.

        Conversely, if a newline is considered a terminator, all text lines including the last are expected to be terminated by a newline. If the final character sequence in a text file is not a newline, the final line of the file may be considered to be an improper or incomplete text line, or the file may be considered to be improperly truncated.

        A newline processor that interprets this type of newline as a line terminator.
      • token

        String token()
        The string token that represents this newline, e.g. "\n" for Unix newlines.
        The string token that represents this newline.