Class Counters

  • public final class Counters
    extends Object
    Methods for Counters.
    • Method Detail

      • atomicLongCounter

        public static Counter.LongCounter atomicLongCounter()
        Creates a new Counter for Long values backed by an AtomicLong with an initial value of 0. The returned counter is thread-safe, to the extent provided by AtomicLong.
        A new counter for Long values.
      • atomicLongCounter

        public static Counter.LongCounter atomicLongCounter​(long initialValue)
        Creates a new Counter for Long values backed by an AtomicLong with the given initial value. The returned counter is thread-safe, to the extent provided by AtomicLong.
        initialValue - The initial value of the counter.
        A new counter for Long values.
      • bigIntegerCounter

        public static Counter<BigInteger> bigIntegerCounter()
        Creates a new Counter for BigInteger values with an initial value of 0. The returned counter is not thread-safe.
        A new counter for BigInteger values.
      • bigIntegerCounter

        public static Counter<BigInteger> bigIntegerCounter​(BigInteger initialValue)
        Creates a new Counter for BigInteger values with the given initial value. The returned counter is not thread-safe.
        initialValue - The initial value of the counter.
        A new counter for BigInteger values.
      • counterOfDomain

        public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Counter<T> counterOfDomain​(<T> domain,
                                                                           T initialValue)
        Creates a new Counter for values of the given domain with the given initial value. The returned counter is not thread-safe.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the counter values.
        domain - The domain of the counter.
        initialValue - The initial value of the counter.
        A new counter for values of the given domain.
      • longCounter

        public static Counter.LongCounter longCounter()
        Creates a new Counter for Long values with an initial value of 0. The returned counter is not thread-safe.
        A new counter for Long values.
      • longCounter

        public static Counter.LongCounter longCounter​(long initialValue)
        Creates a new Counter for Long values with the given initial value.
        initialValue - The initial value of the counter.
        A new counter for Long values.
      • synchronizedCounter

        public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Counter<T> synchronizedCounter​(Counter<T> counter)
        Creates a new Counter that wraps the given counter. All methods of the returned counter are synchronized.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the counter values.
        counter - The counter to wrap.
        A synchronized counter.
      • synchronizedLongCounter

        public static Counter.LongCounter synchronizedLongCounter​(Counter.LongCounter counter)
        Creates a new Counter that wraps the given counter. All methods of the returned counter are synchronized.
        counter - The counter to wrap.
        A synchronized counter.