Class FcUserInvocationProps

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcUserInvocationProps

        public FcUserInvocationProps()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllowedUserGroups

        public List<UuidEntityRef> getAllowedUserGroups()
        A list of all user groups a user must belong to in order for the trigger to react. When this list is empty, no restriction is applied.
      • setAllowedUserGroups

        public void setAllowedUserGroups​(List<UuidEntityRef> allowedUserGroups)
        allowedUserGroups - A list of all user groups a user must belong to in order for the trigger to react. When this list is empty, no restriction is applied.
      • getAllowedWorkflowStates

        public List<UuidEntityRef> getAllowedWorkflowStates()
        A list of all workflow states a form record must have in order for the trigger to react. When this list is empty, no restriction is applied.
      • setAllowedWorkflowStates

        public void setAllowedWorkflowStates​(List<UuidEntityRef> allowedWorkflowStates)
        allowedWorkflowStates - A list of all workflow states a form record must have in order for the trigger to react. When this list is empty, no restriction is applied.
      • getLocalizations

        public List<FcUserInvocationLocalizationEntry> getLocalizations()
        Localized messages for the trigger for each locale.
        The localized messages of the trigger in different languages.
      • setLocalizations

        public void setLocalizations​(List<FcUserInvocationLocalizationEntry> localizations)
        Localized messages for the trigger for each locale.
        localizations - The localized messages of the trigger in different languages.