Interface ILocalizedDatabaseObject

    • Method Detail

      • getLanguageTag

        @NotBlank String getLanguageTag()
        Gets the language this database object is localized for in form of its language tag.
        the language tag
      • setLanguageTag

        void setLanguageTag​(String languageTag)
        Sets the tag of the language this database object is localized for.
        languageTag - the language tag to set
      • getLocale

        default @NotNull Locale getLocale()
        Gets the locale for which this entity is localized.
        the locale or null if this entity is the default localization.
      • setLocale

        default void setLocale​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull Locale locale)
        Sets the locale for which this entity is localized. The locale may be null for setting the default localization.
        locale - the locale to set.