Class ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues

    • Constructor Detail

      • ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues

        public ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues()
    • Method Detail

      • getCsvRowsSource

        public EWorkflowTextSource getCsvRowsSource()
        The source of the CSV rows. Either a string entered directly, or a file.
        The source of the CSV rows.
      • setCsvRowsSource

        public void setCsvRowsSource​(EWorkflowTextSource csvRowsSource)
        The source of the CSV rows. Either a string entered directly, or a file.
        csvRowsSource - The source of the CSV rows.
      • setCsvRowsString

        public void setCsvRowsString​(String csvString)
        When getCsvRowsSource() is EWorkflowTextSource.STRING, the CSV string of rows of values to be parsed. May contain placeholders.
        csvString - The string with the rows of character separated values.
      • getNewlines

        public Set<String> getNewlines()
        Gets the line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
        The line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
      • setNewlines

        public void setNewlines​(Set<String> newlines)
        Sets the line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
        newlines - The line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
      • getNewlinesEncoded

        public Set<String> getNewlinesEncoded()
        This should not be necessary. Only required for stupid frameworks that do not encode properly.
        Same as getNewlines(), but encodes the values. Needed e.g. for Faces / PrimeFaces which still has encoding issues...
        The line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
      • setNewlinesEncoded

        public void setNewlinesEncoded​(Set<String> newlines)
        This should not be necessary. Only required for stupid frameworks that do not encode properly.
        Same as setNewlines(Set), but decodes the encoded values. Needed e.g. for Faces / PrimeFaces which still has encoding issues...
        newlines - The line separators to be used when parsing the CSV string.
      • isIgnoreBlankLines

        public boolean isIgnoreBlankLines()
        Whether to ignore blank lines in the CSV string. If true, lines consisting of blank values only will be skipped and not be included in the data. If false, such lines will be included in the data.
        Whether to ignore blank lines in the CSV string.
      • setIgnoreBlankLines

        public void setIgnoreBlankLines​(boolean ignoreBlankLines)
        Whether to ignore blank lines in the CSV string. If true, blank lines will be skipped and not be included in the data. If false, empty or blank lines will result in a row with a single column value that is empty or blank.
        ignoreBlankLines - Whether to ignore blank lines in the CSV string.
      • isTreatFirstRowAsHeader

        public boolean isTreatFirstRowAsHeader()
        Whether to treat the first row as a header row. If true, the first row will be used to name the columns, and not be part of the data.
        Whether to treat the first row as a header row.
      • setTreatFirstRowAsHeader

        public void setTreatFirstRowAsHeader​(boolean treatFirstRowAsHeader)