Interface AttributeListBuilder.IMixinPoint<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<Point>>

    • Method Detail

      • fixed

        default A fixed​(double x,
                        double y)
        Uses a fixed 2D point with the given coordinates.
        x - The X position of the point.
        y - The Y position of the point.
        An attribute value with the given point.
      • fixed

        default A fixed​(double x,
                        double y,
                        double z)
        Uses a fixed 3D point with the given coordinates.
        x - The X position of the point.
        y - The Y position of the point.
        z - The Z position of the point.
        An attribute value with the given point.
      • loose

        default A loose​(double x,
                        double y)
        Uses a loose 2D point with the given coordinates.
        x - The X position of the point.
        y - The Y position of the point.
        An attribute value with the given point.
      • loose

        default A loose​(double x,
                        double y,
                        double z)
        Uses a loose 3D point with the given coordinates.
        x - The X position of the point.
        y - The Y position of the point.
        z - The Z position of the point.
        An attribute value with the given point.