Class TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams<Node,​Id>

  • Type Parameters:
    Node - Type of the nodes in the tree.
    Id - Type of the identifier for a node.
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams<Node,​Id>
    extends Object
    Parameters for TreeVisit.
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static <Node,​Id> TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams.Builder<Node,​Id> builder​(ITreeAccessor<Node,​Id> treeAccessor)
        A new builder for the given tree accessor.
        Type Parameters:
        Node - Type of the tree nodes.
        Id - Type of the identifier for a node.
        treeAccessor - Adapter for the tree data structure.
        A builder for configuring additional settings.
      • defaults

        public static <Node,​Id> TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams<Node,​Id> defaults​(ITreeAccessor<Node,​Id> treeAccessor)
        A new params instance with the given tree accessor and the default settings otherwise.
        Type Parameters:
        Node - Type of the tree nodes.
        Id - Type of the identifier for a node.
        treeAccessor - Adapter for the tree data structure.
        A tree visit params instance.