
Class MsSystemProperties

  • public class MsSystemProperties
    extends Object
    Helper class for accessing MS system properties.
    XIMA Media GmbH
    • Method Detail

      • isAutoUpdate

        public static Optional<Boolean> isAutoUpdate()
        Returns the value for the JVM parameter for forcing auto updates if it has been set.
        Optional of true if auto updates are forced, Optional of false if auto updates are forced to be skipped and an empty Optional if the property has not been set.
      • isAutoUpdatePlugins

        public static Optional<Boolean> isAutoUpdatePlugins()
        Returns the value for the JVM parameter for forcing plugin auto updates if it has been set.
        true if auto updates are forced, false if auto updates are forced to be skipped, or empty if the property has not been set.
      • getUpdateCallbackEmails

        public static Optional<List<String>> getUpdateCallbackEmails()
        Returns the update callback email addresses set by the JVM parameter.
        Optional with a list of email addresses that are to be notified of the formcycle update completion and an empty Optional if the property has not been set or has been set with an empty value.