Class DataStores

    • Method Detail

      • dataStoreForFacesContextAttributes

        public static <K,​V> IDataStore<K,​V> dataStoreForFacesContextAttributes​(Object scope,
                                                                                           Supplier<javax.faces.context.FacesContext> facesContextSupplier)
        Creates a new data store that stores data in the attributes of a Faces context.

        To prevent conflicts with other data stores, uses a custom scope. The scope is an arbitrary object that is used as a key in the attributes map of the faces context. It should be unique and not be used for other purposes.

        Type Parameters:
        K - The type of the keys.
        V - The type of the values.
        scope - The scope object.
        facesContextSupplier - A supplier that provides the Faces context to use.
        A new data store.
      • dataStoreNoOp

        public static <K,​V> IDataStore<K,​V> dataStoreNoOp()
        Creates a no-op data store that does not store any data.
        Type Parameters:
        K - The type of the keys.
        V - The type of the values.
        A no-op data store.