Interface IExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadRequest

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadRequest
    Extended data for fulfilling a form record message upload request that provides more settings, but requires access to deeper system functionality. Only available on a master server, not on a frontend server or via the API provider; and not serializable.
    • Method Detail

      • baseRequest

        IFulfillRequestedUploadRequest baseRequest()
        The base request data for fulfilling a form record message upload request.
        The base request data for fulfilling a form record message upload request.
      • workflowContext

        IWorkflowExecutionContext workflowContext()
        Optional. The active workflow context that issued the fulfill requested upload request.

        After the upload request was fulfilled, a workflow event is triggered, which in turn may trigger a workflow execution. This will fail when a workflow execution is currently in progress. To avoid this, the workflow context should be given. When a workflow context is given, the matching tasks will be added to the current execution queue instead. This also prevents potential endless loops when a workflow task reacting to a message event posts a message itself, as there exists a hard limit on the maximum number of executed nodes per workflow execution.

        The workflow execution context containing the action that issued the post message request.
      • entityContext

        IEntityContext entityContext()
        Gets the entity context to use for posting the message. By default, a new entity context is created. Should be used with caution.
        The entity context to use for posting the message.