Class LicenseBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • LicenseBean

        public LicenseBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getClientLicenseKey

        public String getClientLicenseKey()
      • setClientLicenseKey

        public void setClientLicenseKey​(String licenseKey)
      • getCurrentHardwareId

        public String getCurrentHardwareId()
      • setSelectedClientLicenseItems

        public void setSelectedClientLicenseItems​(List<ItemLicenseViewModel> selectedClientLicenseItems)
      • getSelectedLicense

        public LicenseFile getSelectedLicense()
      • getSwapHardwareIdList

        public List<String> getSwapHardwareIdList()
      • setSwapHardwareIdList

        public void setSwapHardwareIdList​(List<String> swapHardwareIdList)
      • getSwapHardwareIdValue

        public String getSwapHardwareIdValue()
      • setSwapHardwareIdValue

        public void setSwapHardwareIdValue​(String swapHardwareIdValue)
      • getSystemLicenseKey

        public String getSystemLicenseKey()
      • setSystemLicenseKey

        public void setSystemLicenseKey​(String licenseKey)
      • isAllowDemo

        public boolean isAllowDemo()
      • isAllowedDemoProma

        public boolean isAllowedDemoProma()
      • setAllowedDemoProma

        public void setAllowedDemoProma​(boolean allowedDemoProma)
      • isPromaDataLoading

        public boolean isPromaDataLoading()
      • setPromaDataLoading

        public void setPromaDataLoading​(boolean isPromaDataLoading)
      • createDemoLicense

        public void createDemoLicense()
        When the user click on the button in the UI, creates a new demo license for the current user so that they can evaluate this application.
      • deleteLicense

        public void deleteLicense​(Long licenseFileId)
      • downloadLicense

        public org.primefaces.model.StreamedContent downloadLicense​(String licenseKey,
                                                                    ELicenseFileType licenseType)
      • getAllClientItemLicenses

        public void getAllClientItemLicenses​(String licenseKey)
      • getClientLicenseModelByKey

        public LicenseModel getClientLicenseModelByKey​(String licenseKey)
      • init

        public void init()
      • initalUpdateLicenseStates

        public Void initalUpdateLicenseStates()
        Performed once upon page load. Updates the state of all licenses in the background.
        A stage that completes when the initial update is completed.
      • licenseError

        public boolean licenseError​(int statusCode)
      • restDemoModel

        public void restDemoModel​(boolean clientLicense)
      • selectLicense

        public void selectLicense​(Long licenseFileId)
      • swapHardwareId

        public void swapHardwareId​(String swapTargetId)
        When the user click on the button, swaps the hardware ID registered with the license with the current hardward ID.
        swapTargetId - New hardware ID to register with the license.
      • updateClientLicenses

        public void updateClientLicenses()
      • updateClientToLicense

        public void updateClientToLicense​(LicenseViewModel licenseViewModel)
      • updateClientUpdateStates

        public void updateClientUpdateStates()
        When the user click on the button to refresh the client licenses. Fetches the current license status for each client license from PROMA.
      • updateLicense

        public void updateLicense​(String licenseKey,
                                  boolean isClientLicense,
                                  boolean isUpdate)
        Called from various XHTML action buttons. Updates the license and all sub licenses.
        licenseKey - License key to update.
        isClientLicense - Whether the license is a client license.
        isUpdate - Whether an update should take place.
      • updateSystemVersionState

        public void updateSystemVersionState()
        When the user clicks on the refresh button next to the system license. Contact PROMA and Update the license info.
      • uploadClientLicense

        public void uploadClientLicense​(org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent fileEvent)
        File listener for the file upload in the XHTML page when the user uploads a client license.
        fileEvent - Event with the file data.
      • uploadSystemLicense

        public void uploadSystemLicense​(org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent evt)
        File listener for the file upload in the XTML page when the user uploads a system license.
        evt - Event with the file data.
      • getSystemNodeCount

        public long getSystemNodeCount()
      • getSystemNodeNames

        public List<String> getSystemNodeNames()
      • getCurrentNodeName

        public String getCurrentNodeName()