Class DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory

        public DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultXItemConditions

        public static XItemConditionsWrapper getDefaultXItemConditions​(boolean usesNewWorkflow,
                                                                       Object workflowState,
                                                                       List<BenutzerGruppe> userGroups)
        Gets an XItemConditionsWrapper that evaluates item conditions in the scope of the given workflow state and user groups.
        usesNewWorkflow - Whether the form uses the new or old workflow.
        workflowState - The current workflow state of the form record, if any. Should be an instance of either Status or WorkflowState, or null when the form record does not have a state or no form record exists yet.
        userGroups - User groups of the current user.
        An item conditions wrapper that checks the user and state restrictions of a form field items against the given workflow state and user groups.