Class WorkflowNodePropsFactory

  • public final class WorkflowNodePropsFactory
    extends Object
    Factory methods for creating various kinds of WorkflowNode models.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowNodePropsFactory

        public WorkflowNodePropsFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • breakStatement

        public static FcBreakProps breakStatement()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_BREAK that issues a control transfer via a break statement, targeting the closest control flow node.
        The workflow node for a break action.
      • breakStatement

        public static FcBreakProps breakStatement​(NodeKey breakTarget)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_BREAK that issues a control transfer via a break statement.
        breakTarget - Optional target for the break statement to which to transfer control. If not given, the target is the closest node that supports break control transfers.
        The workflow node model for a break action.
      • changeFormValue

        public static FcChangeFormValueProps changeFormValue​(Map<String,​String> formValues)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CHANGE_FORM_VALUE that modifies the value of one or more form elements.
        formValues - Values to set on the form. Key is the name of the form element, value is the new value for the form element.
        The workflow node model for a change form value action with the given details.
      • changeState

        public static FcChangeStateProps changeState​(WorkflowState state)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CHANGE_STATE that changes the current form record to the given state.
        state - State to which to change.
        The workflow node model for a change state action.
      • compressAsZip

        public static FcCompressAsZipProps compressAsZip​(MultiFile multiFile,
                                                         String compressedFileName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COMPRESS_AS_ZIP that creates a ZIP file form the input files.
        multiFile - Files to compress.
        compressedFileName - File name of the ZIP file.
        The workflow node model for a compress as ZIP action.
      • compressAsZip

        public static FcCompressAsZipProps compressAsZip​(MultiFile multiFile,
                                                         String compressedFileName,
                                                         boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COMPRESS_AS_ZIP that creates a ZIP file form the input files.
        multiFile - Files to compress.
        compressedFileName - File name of the ZIP file.
        attachToFormRecord - Whether the ZIP file should be attached to the current form record.
        The workflow node model for a compress as ZIP action.
      • compressAsZip

        public static FcCompressAsZipProps compressAsZip​(MultiFile multiFile,
                                                         String compressedFileName,
                                                         boolean attachToFormRecord,
                                                         ECompressAsZipNamingScheme namingScheme)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COMPRESS_AS_ZIP that creates a ZIP file form the input files.
        multiFile - Files to compress.
        compressedFileName - File name of the ZIP file.
        attachToFormRecord - Whether the ZIP file should be attached to the current form record.
        namingScheme - How the files should be named and whether sub directories should be created.
        The workflow node model for a compress as ZIP action.
      • continueStatement

        public static FcContinueProps continueStatement()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CONTINUE that issues a control transfer via a continue statement, targeting the closest control flow node.
        The workflow node for a continue action.
      • continueStatement

        public static FcContinueProps continueStatement​(NodeKey continueTarget)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CONTINUE that issues a control transfer via a continue statement.
        continueTarget - Optional target for the continue statement to which to transfer control. If not given, the target is the closest node that supports continue control transfers.
        The workflow node model for a continue action.
      • copyFormRecord

        public static FcCopyFormRecordProps copyFormRecord​(boolean anonymizeUserMetadata)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COPY_FORM_RECORD that moves the current form record to the given inbox.
        anonymizeUserMetadata - Whether user metadata should be anonymized in the created protocol entry.
        The workflow node model for a copy form record action.
      • copyFormRecord

        public static FcCopyFormRecordProps copyFormRecord​(boolean anonymizeUserMetadata,
                                                           WorkflowTrigger triggerToInvoke,
                                                           Postfach targetInbox)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COPY_FORM_RECORD that moves the current form record to the given inbox.
        triggerToInvoke - An optional trigger that is invoked on the copied form record.
        targetInbox - An optional target inbox to which to move the form record.
        anonymizeUserMetadata - Whether user metadata should be anonymized in the created protocol entry.
        The workflow node model for a copy form record action.
      • counter

        public static FcCounterProps counter​(ClientCounter counter,
                                             ECounterActionType actionType,
                                             String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that modifies a certain client counter.
        counter - Counter to change.
        actionType - Type how to modify the counter.
        step - Amount by which to increment or decrement the counter (unused when resetting the counter). May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counter

        public static FcCounterProps counter​(String counterName,
                                             ECounterActionType actionType,
                                             String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that modifies a certain client counter.
        counterName - Name of the counter to change.
        actionType - Type how to modify the counter.
        step - Amount by which to increment or decrement the counter (unused when resetting the counter). May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterDecrement

        public static FcCounterProps counterDecrement​(ClientCounter counter,
                                                      String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that decrements a client counter.
        counter - Counter to decrement.
        step - Amount by which to decrement the counter. May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterDecrement

        public static FcCounterProps counterDecrement​(String counterName,
                                                      String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that decrements a client counter.
        counterName - Name of the the counter to decrement.
        step - Amount by which to decrement the counter. May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterIncrement

        public static FcCounterProps counterIncrement​(ClientCounter counter,
                                                      String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that increments a client counter.
        counter - Counter to increment.
        step - Amount by which to increment the counter. May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterIncrement

        public static FcCounterProps counterIncrement​(String counterName,
                                                      String step)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that increments a client counter.
        counterName - Name of the counter to increment.
        step - Amount by which to increment the counter. May contain variables.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterReset

        public static FcCounterProps counterReset​(ClientCounter counter)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that resets a client counter.
        counter - Counter to reset.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • counterReset

        public static FcCounterProps counterReset​(String counterName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_COUNTER that resets a client counter.
        counterName - Name of the Counter to reset.
        The workflow node model for a counter action.
      • createTextFile

        public static ICreateTextFileNodeBuilder createTextFile()
        Creates a new builder for configuring a workflow node for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE that creates a text file with the given content and the default encoding.
        A builder for a workflow node with a create text file action.
      • createTextFile

        public static FcCreateTextFileProps createTextFile​(String fileName,
                                                           String fileContent)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE that creates a text file with the given content and the default encoding.
        fileName - Name of the created text file.
        fileContent - Plain text content of the text file.
        The workflow node model for a create text file action.
      • databaseQuery

        public static FcSqlStatementProps databaseQuery​(DatenbankZugriff databaseConnection,
                                                        String sqlStatement)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SQL_STATEMENT with a SQL statement.
        databaseConnection - Database connection to use for the query.
        sqlStatement - The SQL statement to run against the database connection.
        The workflow node model for a database query action.
      • databaseQuery

        public static FcSqlStatementProps databaseQuery​(Datenquelle databaseQuery)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SQL_STATEMENT that uses a preconfigured database query.
        databaseQuery - Existing database query to execute.
        The workflow node model for a database query action.
      • databaseQuery

        public static FcSqlStatementProps databaseQuery​(Datenquelle databaseQuery,
                                                        Map<String,​String> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SQL_STATEMENT that uses a preconfigured database query.
        databaseQuery - Existing database query to execute.
        queryParameters - Query parameters that are passed to the existing query. Must match the parameter count of the database query.
        The workflow node model for a database query action.
      • databaseQuery

        public static FcSqlStatementProps databaseQuery​(Datenquelle databaseQuery,
                                                        Iterable<Map.Entry<String,​String>> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SQL_STATEMENT that uses a preconfigured database query.
        databaseQuery - Existing database query to execute.
        queryParameters - Query parameters that are passed to the existing query. Must match the parameter count of the database query.
        The workflow node model for a database query action.
      • decodeBase64

        public static FcDecodeBase64Props decodeBase64​(String value)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_ENCODE_BASE64 that converts a binary file to base64.
        value - Value to decode, a data URI or a base64 string.
        The workflow node model for a fill Word action.
      • decodeBase64

        public static FcDecodeBase64Props decodeBase64​(String value,
                                                       String exportName,
                                                       boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_ENCODE_BASE64 that converts a binary file to base64.
        value - Value to decode, a data URI or a base64 string.
        exportName - Name of the created file.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        The workflow node model for a fill Word action.
      • deleteAttachment

        public static FcDeleteAttachmentProps deleteAttachment​(MultiAttachment attachmentsToDelete)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DELETE_ATTACHMENT that deletes attachments from the current form record.
        attachmentsToDelete - Attachments to delete from the form record.
        The workflow node model for a delete attachment action.
      • doiInit

        public static FcDoiInitProps doiInit​(String from,
                                             Iterable<String> to,
                                             String subject,
                                             String htmlBody,
                                             String plainTextBody,
                                             Textbaustein doiFailTemplate)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DOI_INIT that initializes the double opt-in process.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        htmlBody - HTML body content of the email, null or empty to omit the HTML body.
        plainTextBody - Plain text body content of the email, null or empty to omit the plain text body.
        doiFailTemplate - Template used when the double opt-in link fails.
        The workflow node model for a double opt-in initialization action.
      • doiInitHtml

        public static FcDoiInitProps doiInitHtml​(String from,
                                                 Iterable<String> to,
                                                 String subject,
                                                 String body)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DOI_INIT that initializes the double opt-in process.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - HTML body of the email.
        The workflow node model for a double opt-in initialization action.
      • doiInitHtml

        public static FcDoiInitProps doiInitHtml​(String from,
                                                 Iterable<String> to,
                                                 String subject,
                                                 String body,
                                                 Textbaustein doiFailTemplate)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DOI_INIT that initializes the double opt-in process.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - HTML body of the email.
        doiFailTemplate - Template used when the double opt-in link fails.
        The workflow node model for a double opt-in initialization action.
      • doiInitPlain

        public static FcDoiInitProps doiInitPlain​(String from,
                                                  Iterable<String> to,
                                                  String subject,
                                                  String body)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DOI_INIT that initializes the double opt-in process.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Plain text body of the email.
        The workflow node model for a double opt-in initialization action.
      • doiInitPlain

        public static FcDoiInitProps doiInitPlain​(String from,
                                                  Iterable<String> to,
                                                  String subject,
                                                  String body,
                                                  Textbaustein doiFailTemplate)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_DOI_INIT that initializes the double opt-in process.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Plain text body of the email.
        doiFailTemplate - Template used when the double opt-in link fails.
        The workflow node model for a double opt-in initialization action.
      • email

        public static IEmailNodeBuilder email​(String from)
        Creates a builder for a new workflow node for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends an email to a given list of recipients.
        from - Mail address of the sender.
        A builder for configuring the details of the post request action.
      • email

        public static FcEmailProps email​(String from,
                                         Iterable<String> to,
                                         String subject,
                                         String htmlBody,
                                         String plainTextBody)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends an email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        htmlBody - HTML body content of the email, null to omit the HTML body.
        plainTextBody - Plain text body content of the email, null to omit the plain text body.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • email

        public static FcEmailProps email​(String from,
                                         Iterable<String> to,
                                         String subject,
                                         String htmlBody,
                                         String plainTextBody,
                                         MultiFile attachments)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends an email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        htmlBody - HTML body content of the email, null to omit the HTML body.
        plainTextBody - Plain text body content of the email, null to omit the plain text body.
        attachments - Attachments to send with the email.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • emailHtml

        public static FcEmailProps emailHtml​(String from,
                                             Iterable<String> to,
                                             String subject,
                                             String body)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends an HTML email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Body of the email.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • emailHtml

        public static FcEmailProps emailHtml​(String from,
                                             Iterable<String> to,
                                             String subject,
                                             String body,
                                             MultiFile attachments)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends an HTML email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Body of the email.
        attachments - Attachments to send with the email.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • emailPlainText

        public static FcEmailProps emailPlainText​(String from,
                                                  Iterable<String> to,
                                                  String subject,
                                                  String body)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends a plain text email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Body of the email.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • emailPlainText

        public static FcEmailProps emailPlainText​(String from,
                                                  Iterable<String> to,
                                                  String subject,
                                                  String body,
                                                  MultiFile attachments)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EMAIL that sends a plain text email to one or more recipients.
        from - Email address of the sender.
        to - Email addresses of the recipients.
        subject - Subject to of the email.
        body - Body of the email.
        attachments - Attachments to send with the email.
        The workflow node model for an email action.
      • exportToPersistence

        public static FcExportToPersistenceProps exportToPersistence()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data. The file name is generated automatically and the file is not attached to the form record.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToPersistence

        public static FcExportToPersistenceProps exportToPersistence​(String exportName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data. The file is not attached to the form record.
        exportName - Name of the created persistence file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToPersistence

        public static FcExportToPersistenceProps exportToPersistence​(String exportName,
                                                                     boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data.
        exportName - Name of the created persistence file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToXml

        public static FcExportToXmlProps exportToXml()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data. The file name is generated automatically and the file is not attached to the form record. All additional EExportToXmlFields are included.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToXml

        public static FcExportToXmlProps exportToXml​(String exportName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data. The file is not attached to the form record. All additional EExportToXmlFields are included.
        exportName - Name of the created persistence file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToXml

        public static FcExportToXmlProps exportToXml​(String exportName,
                                                     boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data. All additional EExportToXmlFields are included.
        exportName - Name of the created persistence file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • exportToXml

        public static FcExportToXmlProps exportToXml​(String exportName,
                                                     boolean attachToFormRecord,
                                                     Iterable<EExportToXmlField> exportFields,
                                                     Textbaustein xslTemplate)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPORT_TO_PERSISTENCE that creates a persistence file with the submitted form data.
        exportName - Name of the created persistence file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        exportFields - Additional fields that should be included in the exported file.
        xslTemplate - Optional XSL template for transforming the created XML file.
        The workflow node model for an export to persistence action.
      • fillPdf

        public static FcFillPdfProps fillPdf​(SingleFile pdfDocument)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_FILL_PDF that fills a PDF document with the submitted form data. The file name of the created PDF document is generated automatically. The create file is not attached to the form record.
        pdfDocument - PDF document to fill.
        The workflow node model for a fill PDF action.
      • fillPdf

        public static FcFillPdfProps fillPdf​(SingleFile pdfDocument,
                                             String exportName,
                                             boolean attachToFormRecord,
                                             String font)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_FILL_PDF that fills a PDF document with the submitted form data.
        pdfDocument - PDF document to fill.
        exportName - Name of the created PDF file. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        font - The font to use within the PDF for the inserted values.
        The workflow node model for a fill PDF action.
      • fillWord

        public static FcFillWordProps fillWord​(SingleFile wordDocument)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_FILL_WORD that fills a Word document with the submitted form data. The name of the created file is generated automatically. The created file is not attached to the form record.
        wordDocument - Word document to fill.
        The workflow node model for a fill Word action.
      • fillWord

        public static FcFillWordProps fillWord​(SingleFile wordDocument,
                                               String exportName,
                                               boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_FILL_WORD that fills a Word document with the submitted form data.
        wordDocument - Word document to fill.
        exportName - Name of the created file. Should end on either .pdf or .docx. Leave empty for an automatically generated name.
        attachToFormRecord - When true, attaches the created file to the form record.
        The workflow node model for a fill Word action.
      • httpRequest

        public static IHttpRequestNodeBuilder httpRequest​(EHttpVerb httpVerb,
                                                          String endpointUrl)
        Creates a builder for a new workflow node for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_POST_REQUEST that sends an HTTP request to the given URL.
        httpVerb - HTTP verb to use, such as GET or POST.
        endpointUrl - URL to which to direct the HTTP request.
        A builder for configuring the details of the post request action.
      • httpRequest

        public static IHttpRequestNodeBuilder httpRequest​(String httpVerb,
                                                          String endpointUrl)
        Creates a builder for a new workflow node for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_POST_REQUEST that sends an HTTP request to the given URL.
        httpVerb - HTTP verb to use, such as GET or POST.
        endpointUrl - URL to which to direct the HTTP request.
        A builder for configuring the details of the post request action.
      • importFormValueFromXml

        public static FcImportFormValueFromXmlProps importFormValueFromXml​(SingleFile xmlDocument,
                                                                           Map<String,​String> xPathMapping)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_IMPORT_FORM_VALUE_FROM_XML that changes the value of form elements based on the data of an XML document.
        xmlDocument - XML document with the data to use.
        xPathMapping - A map between the name of a form element and an XPath. The value of the form element is set to the data in the XML document at the given XPath.
        The workflow node model for a import form values from XML action.
      • importFormValueFromXml

        public static FcImportFormValueFromXmlProps importFormValueFromXml​(SingleFile xmlDocument,
                                                                           Map<String,​String> xPathMapping,
                                                                           Textbaustein xslTemplate)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_IMPORT_FORM_VALUE_FROM_XML that changes the value of form elements based on the data of an XML document.
        xmlDocument - XML document with the data to use.
        xPathMapping - A map between the name of a form element and an XPath. The value of the form element is set to the data in the XML document at the given XPath.
        xslTemplate - Optional XSLT document applied to the XML document before data is extracted via the given XPaths.
        The workflow node model for a import form values from XML action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPAbfrage ldapQuery)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY that uses a preconfigured LDAP query.
        ldapQuery - Existing LDAP query to execute.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPAbfrage ldapQuery,
                                                 Map<String,​String> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY that uses a preconfigured LDAP query.
        ldapQuery - Existing LDAP query to execute.
        queryParameters - Query parameters that are passed to the existing query. Must match the parameter count of the LDAP query.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPAbfrage ldapQuery,
                                                 Iterable<Map.Entry<String,​String>> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY that uses a preconfigured LDAP query.
        ldapQuery - Existing LDAP query to execute.
        queryParameters - Query parameters that are passed to the existing query. Must match the parameter count of the LDAP query.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPZugriff ldapConnection,
                                                 String searchFilter)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY with a custom search filter.
        ldapConnection - LDAP connection to use for the query. When null, the client LDAP connection is used.
        searchFilter - The LDAP search filter expression.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPZugriff ldapConnection,
                                                 String searchFilter,
                                                 String baseDn)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY with a custom search filter.
        ldapConnection - LDAP connection to use for the query. When null, the client LDAP connection is used.
        searchFilter - The LDAP search filter expression.
        baseDn - Base DN for the LDAP search.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • ldapQuery

        public static FcLdapQueryProps ldapQuery​(LDAPZugriff ldapConnection,
                                                 String searchFilter,
                                                 String baseDn,
                                                 Iterable<String> resultFilter)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LDAP_QUERY with a custom search filter.
        ldapConnection - LDAP connection to use for the query. When null, the client LDAP connection is used.
        searchFilter - The LDAP search filter expression.
        baseDn - Base DN for the LDAP search.
        resultFilter - Result filter to limit the returned data to these attributes.
        The workflow node model for an LDAP query action.
      • logEntry

        public static FcLogEntryProps logEntry​(ELogEntryActionLogLevel level,
                                               String comments)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_LOG_ENTRY with a given level and comments.
        level - The severity of the log entry.
        comments - The comments for the log entry (custom description)
        A new workflow node of the given type and with the given data.
      • moveFormRecordToInbox

        public static FcMoveFormRecordToInboxProps moveFormRecordToInbox​(String targetInboxName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_MOVE_FORM_RECORD_TO_INBOX that moves the current form record to the inbox with the given name.
        targetInboxName - Name of the target inbox to which to move the form record.
        The workflow node model for a move form record to inbox action.
      • processLogPdf

        public static FcProcessLogPdfProps processLogPdf​(String fileName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_PROCESS_LOG_PDF that creates a PDF document with the history of the current form record.
        fileName - Name of the output file with the created PDF document.
        The workflow node model for a form record history action.
      • provideResource

        public static FcProvideResourceProps provideResource​(SingleFile singleFile,
                                                             String exportName)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_PROVIDE_RESOURCE that provides the given resource.
        singleFile - Resource that is made available by the action. Use the static factory methods provided by SingleFile to create an instance.
        exportName - Name of the file that is created by the action.
        The workflow node model for a provide resource action.
      • provideResource

        public static FcProvideResourceProps provideResource​(SingleFile singleFile,
                                                             String exportName,
                                                             boolean attachToFormRecord)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_PROVIDE_RESOURCE that provides the given resource.
        singleFile - Resource that is made available by the action. Use the static factory methods provided by SingleFile to create an instance.
        exportName - Name of the file that is created by the action.
        attachToFormRecord - Whether the provided file should be attached to the current form record.
        The workflow node model for a provide resource action.
      • queueTask

        public static FcQueueTaskProps queueTask​(WorkflowTrigger triggerToInvoke,
                                                 boolean addToEnd)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_QUEUE_TASK that invokes the given task.
        triggerToInvoke - Trigger to invoke. Should be of type EWorkflowTriggerType.FC_MANUAL.
        addToEnd - When true, the task is added to the end of the task queue. Otherwise, the task is added at the beginning of the task queue (and will be executed once this task finishes).
        The workflow node model for a queue task action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(String url)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - URL to which to redirect.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(String url,
                                               Map<String,​List<String>> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - URL to which to redirect.
        queryParameters - Additional query parameters for the URL.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(Textbaustein url)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - URL to which to redirect.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(Textbaustein url,
                                               Map<String,​List<String>> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - URL to which to redirect.
        queryParameters - Additional query parameters for the URL.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(UuidEntityRef url)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - Reference to a URL template to which to redirect.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • redirect

        public static FcRedirectProps redirect​(UuidEntityRef url,
                                               Map<String,​List<String>> queryParameters)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_REDIRECT that redirects the HTTP request to the given URL.
        url - Reference to a URL template to which to redirect.
        queryParameters - Additional query parameters for the URL.
        The workflow node model for a redirect action.
      • returnFile

        public static FcReturnFileProps returnFile​(MultiFile files)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_RETURN_FILE that sends the given files as the HTTP response.
        files - Files to send.
        The workflow node model for a return file action.
      • returnFile

        public static FcReturnFileProps returnFile​(MultiFile files,
                                                   boolean forceDownload)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_RETURN_FILE that sends the given files as the HTTP response.
        files - Files to send.
        forceDownload - If true, sets the Content-Disposition header to attachment, so that the browser does not show the file inline.
        The workflow node model for a return file action.
      • saveToFileSystem

        public static FcSaveToFileSystemProps saveToFileSystem​(MultiFile files,
                                                               String directory)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SAVE_TO_FILE_SYSTEM that saves the given file to a directory on the file system.
        files - Files to save to the file system.
        directory - Path to a directory on the file system.
        The workflow node model for a save to file system action.
      • saveToFileSystem

        public static FcSaveToFileSystemProps saveToFileSystem​(MultiFile files,
                                                               String directory,
                                                               boolean allowPathInPlaceholder)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SAVE_TO_FILE_SYSTEM that saves the given file to a directory on the file system.
        files - Files to save to the file system.
        directory - Path to a directory on the file system.
        allowPathInPlaceholder - When true, paths (forward or backward slashes) are allowed in the values of placeholders. When false, placeholder values are sanitized so that they are valid file names.
        The workflow node model for a save to file system action.
      • saveToWebDav

        public static FcSaveToWebDavProps saveToWebDav​(MultiFile files,
                                                       WebDavAccess conn,
                                                       String path,
                                                       boolean allowPathInPlaceholder)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SAVE_TO_WEB_DAV that gives the given file to a directory on a chosen WebDAV.
        files - Files to save to a chosen WebDAV.
        conn - a WebDavAccess connection.
        path - the chosen path extending the pre-saved url.
        allowPathInPlaceholder - When true, paths (forward or backward slashes) are allowed in the values of placeholders. When false, placeholder values are sanitized so that they are valid file names.
        The workflow node model for a save to WebDAV action.
      • experiment

        public static FcExperimentProps experiment()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_EXPERIMENT that catches exception that occur while the block is executed.
        The workflow node model for an experiment action.
      • returnStatement

        public static FcReturnProps returnStatement()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_RETURN that ends the current workflow task.
        The workflow node model for a return action.
      • switchAction

        public static FcSwitchProps switchAction​(String switchValue)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SWITCH that check a value against several conditions and executes all its matching cases.
        switchValue - Value to check against the switch cases.
        The workflow node model for a switch action.
      • switchCase

        public static FcSwitchCaseProps switchCase​(EMatchCondition operator,
                                                   String caseValue)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SWITCH_CASE with a single condition that is executed when it matches the value of a switch.
        operator - Type of the condition.
        caseValue - Value to compare against the switch value via the given operator.
        The workflow node model for a switch case action.
      • switchDefault

        public static FcSwitchDefaultProps switchDefault()
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_SWITCH_CASE with a single condition that is executed when it matches the value of a switch.
        The workflow node model for a switch case action.
      • throwException

        public static FcThrowExceptionProps throwException​(String errorType)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_THROW_EXCEPTION that throws an exception when executed.
        errorType - Type of the exception to throw.
        The workflow node model for a throw exception action.
      • throwException

        public static FcThrowExceptionProps throwException​(String errorType,
                                                           String errorMessage)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_THROW_EXCEPTION that throws an exception when executed.
        errorType - Type of the exception to throw.
        errorMessage - Message of the exception to throw.
        The workflow node model for a throw exception action.
      • throwException

        public static FcThrowExceptionProps throwException​(String errorType,
                                                           String errorMessage,
                                                           Object errorData)
        Creates a new workflow node model for a EWorkflowNodeType.FC_THROW_EXCEPTION that throws an exception when executed.
        errorType - Type of the exception to throw.
        errorMessage - Message of the exception to throw.
        errorData - Additional data to make available when the exception is thrown. Can be accessed when the exception is caught.
        The workflow node model for a throw exception action.
      • createCustomSetting

        protected static Setting<String> createCustomSetting​(String name,
                                                             String value,
                                                             boolean nameEditable,
                                                             boolean valueEditable,
                                                             boolean required,
                                                             boolean deletable)
      • createCustomSettings

        protected static List<Setting<String>> createCustomSettings​(Map<String,​String> map,
                                                                    boolean nameEditable,
                                                                    boolean valueEditable,
                                                                    boolean required,
                                                                    boolean deletable)
      • createCustomSettingsMultiValues

        protected static List<Setting<String>> createCustomSettingsMultiValues​(Map<String,​List<String>> map,
                                                                               boolean nameEditable,
                                                                               boolean valueEditable,
                                                                               boolean required,
                                                                               boolean deletable)