Class FcExportToPersistenceProps

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcExportToPersistenceProps

        public FcExportToPersistenceProps()
    • Method Detail

      • getExportName

        public String getExportName()
        The name of the export file. When empty, a file name is generated with the extension xml.
      • setExportName

        public void setExportName​(String exportName)
        exportName - The name of the export file. When empty, a file name is generated with the extension xml.
      • getPersistenceFileProvision

        public FileProvision getPersistenceFileProvision()
        Details for how to handle the created persistence file.
        Details for how to handle the created persistence file.
      • setPersistenceFileProvision

        public void setPersistenceFileProvision​(FileProvision persistenceFileProvision)
        Details for how to handle the created persistence file.
        persistenceFileProvision - Details for how to handle the created persistence file.