Class FcChangeFormValueProps

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcChangeFormValueProps

        public FcChangeFormValueProps()
    • Method Detail

      • getFormValues

        public List<Setting<String>> getFormValues()
        a list with the to change form values
      • setFormValues

        public void setFormValues​(List<Setting<String>> formValues)
        formValues - a list with the to change form values
      • getRepetitionSizes

        public List<Setting<String>> getRepetitionSizes()
        Gets a list of repeated form elements or containers with the new number of repetitions for that element or container. Repetitions are deleted or added to match the configured number of repetitions.

        Each value must be a string with a valid base 10 representation of an integer.

        The number of repetitions to set for a repeated element or container.
      • setRepetitionSizes

        public void setRepetitionSizes​(List<Setting<String>> repetitionSizes)
        Gets a list of repeated form elements or containers with the new number of repetitions for that element or container. Repetitions are deleted or added to match the configured number of repetitions.

        Each value must be a string with a valid base 10 representation of an integer.

        repetitionSizes - The number of repetitions to set for a repeated element or container.