Class FcDecodeBase64Props

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcDecodeBase64Props

        public FcDecodeBase64Props()
    • Method Detail

      • getBase64

        public String getBase64()
        The base64 string or data URI to decode.
      • setBase64

        public void setBase64​(String base64)
        base64 - The base64 string or data URI to decode.
      • getDecodedFileProvision

        public FileProvision getDecodedFileProvision()
        Details for how to handle the file that was decoded from the base64 string.
        Details for how to handle the decoded file.
      • setDecodedFileProvision

        public void setDecodedFileProvision​(FileProvision decodedFileProvision)
        Details for how to handle the file that was decoded from the base64 string.
        decodedFileProvision - Details for how to handle the decoded file.
      • getExportName

        public String getExportName()
        The target file name of the created file. May contain placeholders. When empty, a default name is used.
      • setExportName

        public void setExportName​(String exportName)
        exportName - The target file name of the created file. May contain placeholders. When empty, a default name is used.