Class UpdateTransitions

  • public final class UpdateTransitions
    extends Object
    Utility methods for creating the update transitions map for the update enums in the sub packages.
    • Method Detail

      • createForEnum

        public static <T extends Enum<T> & IUpdateTransition & ISemVerProviding><com.vdurmont.semver4j.Semver,​IUpdateTransition> createForEnum​(Class<? extends Enum<T>> enumType)
        Type Parameters:
        T - Type of the update enum.
        enumType - Type of the update enum.
        A map with all transitions of all enums.
      • formProvision820Upgrade

        public static void formProvision820Upgrade​( json,
                                                   String property)
        Version 8.2.0 adds a new model class FileProvision to store the configuration how created files should be handled. Previously it was stored on the model instance itself, which makes it hard to add new properties, especially for plugins. This update moves the properties from the model class a nested object.

        This method may be used by plugins.

        json - JSON object to update.
        property - Name of the model property that stores the FileProvision.
      • formProvision820Downgrade

        public static void formProvision820Downgrade​( json,
                                                     String property)
        Version 8.2.0 adds a new model class FileProvision to store the configuration how created files should be handled. Previously it was stored on the model instance itself, which makes it hard to add new properties, especially for plugins. This update moves the properties from the nested object to the model class.

        This method may be used by plugins.

        json - JSON object to update.
        property - Name of the model property that stores the FileProvision.