Interface IFormRecordMessageHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getByChatAndUser

        PagedResult<FormRecordMessage> getByChatAndUser​(UserContext uc,
                                                        UUID chatUuid,
                                                        IUser user,
                                                        int page,
                                                        int pageSize)
        Finds the messages for the form record chat given by its UUID if the given user can access the chat.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        chatUuid - the UUID of the chat
        user - to get the form record messages for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of form record messages the user has access to ordered by their sent instant (desc). null if the chat given by the UUID could not be found.
        See Also:
        getByUser(UserContext, IUser)
      • getByUser

        PagedResult<FormRecordMessage> getByUser​(UserContext uc,
                                                 IUser user,
                                                 int page,
                                                 int pageSize)
        Finds all form record messages the user given by the user context has access to.
        uc - user context holding the requesting user.
        user - to get the form record messages for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of form record messages the user has access to ordered by their creation instant (desc).
        See Also:
        getByUser(UserContext, IUser)
      • getByUuid

        FormRecordMessage getByUuid​(UserContext uc,
                                    UUID uuid)
        Finds the message for the given UUID.
        uc - user context for accessing the database
        uuid - the UUID of the message
        The message with the given UUID
      • getByUuidAndUser

        FormRecordMessage getByUuidAndUser​(UserContext uc,
                                           UUID uuid,
                                           IUser user)
        Finds the message for the given UUID, which the given user can access.
        uc - user context holding the requesting user.
        uuid - the UUID of the message
        user - to get the form record message for.
        The message with the given UUID which the user can access and null otherwise.
      • getUnreadByUser

        PagedResult<FormRecordMessage> getUnreadByUser​(UserContext uc,
                                                       IUser user,
                                                       int page,
                                                       int pageSize)
        Finds all unread form record messages the user given by the user context has access to. Unread messages can only be gotten for users with UserProfiles. For users without a profile all messages will be returned.
        uc - user context holding the requesting user.
        user - to get the unread form record messages for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of unread form record messages the user has access to ordered by their creation instant (desc).
        See Also:
        getByUser(UserContext, IUser)