Interface IFormRecordChatDao

    • Method Detail

      • getByUuid

        FormRecordChat getByUuid​(IEntityContext ec,
                                 UUID uuid)
        Finds the chat for the given UUID.
        ec - entity context for accessing the database
        uuid - the UUID of the chat
        The chat with the given UUID
      • getByUuidAndUser

        FormRecordChat getByUuidAndUser​(IEntityContext ec,
                                        UUID uuid,
                                        IUser user)
        Finds the chat for the given UUID if the given user can access the chat.
        ec - entity context for accessing the database.
        uuid - the UUID of the chat
        user - to get the form record chats for.
        The chat with the given UUID if it exists and the user can access it. null otherwise.
        See Also:
        getByUser(IEntityContext, IUser)
      • getByUser

        PagedResult<FormRecordChat> getByUser​(IEntityContext ec,
                                              IUser user,
                                              int page,
                                              int pageSize)
        Finds all form record chats the given user has access to.
        ec - entity context for database transactions.
        user - to get the form record chats for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of the user's form record chats ordered by their creation instant (desc).
        See Also:
        getByUser(IEntityContext, IUser)
      • getByRecordAndUser

        PagedResult<FormRecordChat> getByRecordAndUser​(IEntityContext ec,
                                                       UUID recordUuid,
                                                       IUser user,
                                                       int page,
                                                       int pageSize)
        Finds the chats for the form record given by its UUID if the given user can access the chat.
        ec - entity context for accessing the database.
        recordUuid - the UUID of the form record
        user - to get the form record chats for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of form record chats the user has access to ordered by their creation instant (desc). null if the form record given by the UUID could not be found.
      • canAccessViaPublicApi

        boolean canAccessViaPublicApi​(IEntityContext ec,
                                      FormRecordChat chat,
                                      IUser user)
        Returns whether the given user can access the given chat within a user portal.
        ec - entity context for database transactions.
        chat - to check access within a user portal for.
        user - to check access within a user portal for.
        true if the requesting user can access the given chat and false otherwise.