Class SelectionBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SelectionBean
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    This bean stores the currently selected item for each page/view throughout the session. It keeps a map between the selection key and the selected value. The selected key should be generated in a way that is unique. Currently, we only store the selected entity of various list views in the application, eg. /user/ldapgroup or /system/client.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectionBean

        public SelectionBean()
    • Method Detail

      • storeEntityIdFromUrlSystem

        public void storeEntityIdFromUrlSystem​(String entityClass)
      • storeEntityIdFromUrlClient

        public void storeEntityIdFromUrlClient​(String entityClass)
      • storeEntityIdFromUrlProject

        public void storeEntityIdFromUrlProject​(String entityClass)
      • storeEntityIdFromUrl

        public void storeEntityIdFromUrl​(EEntityKeySelectionType keyType,
                                         String entityClass)
        Can be used to select an entity by a URL parameter. May be called from an xhtml page via f:viewAction. Reads the ID from the URL parameter "preselect" and stores that selection.
      • store

        public void store​(String selectionKey,
                          String selectionValue)
        Associates the given value to the given key for later retrieval.
        selectionKey - Key at which to the value.
        selectionValue - Value to store.
      • store

        public void store​(String key,
                          de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<?> valueEntity)
        Stores the given value for the given key.
        key - Key at which to store the value.
        valueEntity - Value to store. This stores the ID of the given entity.
      • store

        public void store​(String key,
                          Long id)
        Stores the given value for the given key.
        key - Key at which to store the value.
        id - ID to store.
      • getSelectedAs

        public <T,​S> Optional<S> getSelectedAs​(String key,
                                                     Function<String,​S> backConverter)
        key - Key for which to retrieve the stored value.
        backConverter - Some way of converting the stored string value to another type.
        The stored value for the given key, converted to the desired type.
      • getSelectedAsLong

        public Optional<Long> getSelectedAsLong​(String key)
        key - Key for which to retrieve the stored value.
        The stored long for the given key, empty if none is found.
      • getSelectedAsString

        public Optional<String> getSelectedAsString​(String key)
        key - Key for which to retrieve the stored value.
        The value for the given key, empty if none is found.
      • getSelectedForCurrentViewAsLong

        public Optional<Long> getSelectedForCurrentViewAsLong​(EEntityKeySelectionType keyType,
                                                              Class<?> objectClass)
        keyType - Type of the key, i.e. whether the key uses the client and current project.
        objectClass - An additional identifier to be included in the key.
        The stored value for the given key, converted to the desired type.
      • createKeyForCurrentView

        public String createKeyForCurrentView​(EEntityKeySelectionType keyType,
                                              Class<?> objectClass)
        keyType - Type of the key, i.e. whether the key uses the client and current project.
        objectClass - An additional identifier to be included in the key.
        The selection key for the current view. It consists of the view, the client (null for sadmin) and the current project (null if the view is not project-specific).
      • createKeyForCurrentView

        public String createKeyForCurrentView​(EEntityKeySelectionType keyType,
                                              String additionalKey)
        keyType - Type of the key, ie. whether the key uses the client and current project.
        additionalKey - An additional identifier to be included in the key.
        The selection key for the current view. It consists of the view, the client (null for sadmin) and the current project (null if the view is not project-specific).