Class AppointmentType

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppointmentType

        public AppointmentType()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public Long getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
      • getAppointmentTemplate

        public AppointmentTemplate getAppointmentTemplate()
        The appointment template to which this appointment type belongs to. A type cannot belong to multiple appointment templates.
      • getDuration

        public Duration getDuration()
        The duration an appointment of this type takes.
      • getDurationMinutes

        public long getDurationMinutes()
        The value getDuration() in minutes.
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this appointment type. Please note that this UUID is guaranteed to be unique only for a given getAppointmentTemplate(). That is, two appointment types belonging to two different appointment templates may have the same UUID.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this appointment type. Please note that this UUID is guaranteed to be unique only for a given getAppointmentTemplate(). That is, two appointment types belonging to two different appointment templates may have the same UUID.
      • setAppointmentTemplate

        public void setAppointmentTemplate​(AppointmentTemplate appointmentTemplate)
        appointmentTemplate - The appointment template to which this appointment type belongs to. A type cannot belong to multiple appointment templates.
      • setDuration

        public void setDuration​(Duration duration)
        duration - The duration an appointment of this type takes.
      • setDurationMinutes

        public void setDurationMinutes​(long minutes)
        minutes - The new value for the getDuration() is minutes.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Sets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - A new unique UUID for this entity. Please note that this UUID is required to be unique only for a given getAppointmentTemplate(). That is, two appointment types belonging to two different appointment templates may have the same UUID.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
        uuid - A new unique UUID for this entity. Please note that this UUID is required to be unique only for a given getAppointmentTemplate(). That is, two appointment types belonging to two different appointment templates may have the same UUID.