Class StateTimerWorker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StateTimerWorker
    extends Object
    Worker for invoking a trigger of the new workflow for the EWorkflowTriggerType.FC_STATE_TIMER trigger.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected static String KEY_LAST_SCHEDULED_STATE_UUID
      Key for the UUID of the state for which the job was scheduled most recently.
      protected static String KEY_PREVIOUS_FIRE_TIME
      The last trigger fire time, as an Instant.getEpochSecond()
      protected static String KEY_PROCESS_DB_ID  
      protected static String KEY_PROCESS_ID
      protected static String KEY_RETRY_COUNT  
      protected static String KEY_TRIGGER_ID  
      protected static String KEY_TRIGGER_NAME  
      protected static String KEY_UNIQUE_ID  
      protected static org.slf4j.Logger LOG  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected static void addCommonEntries​(org.quartz.JobDataMap dataMap, Vorgang formRecord, WorkflowTrigger trigger, Instant triggerFireInstant)  
      protected boolean checkPreconditions​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx, WorkflowTriggerWorkerParams<TData> params)
      Optional check for the preconditions before the trigger is invoked.
      static org.quartz.JobDataMap createJobMap​(Vorgang formRecord, WorkflowTrigger trigger, FcStateTimerProps props, Instant triggerFireInstant)
      Creates the job data map for the quartz job required by a workflow trigger of type EWorkflowTriggerType.FC_STATE_TIMER.
      void execute​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx)  
      protected void invokeTrigger​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx, WorkflowTriggerWorkerParams<TData> params)  
      protected boolean isDeleteJobAfterwards​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx)  
      static UUID readLastScheduledStateUuid​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the UUID of the WorkflowState for which the job was scheduled most recently from the job map created by this worker.
      static Instant readPreviousFireTime​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the last fire time from the job map created by this worker.
      static String readProcessDbId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the process database ID from the job map created by this worker.
      static String readProcessId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Use readProcessDbId(JobDataMap).
      static long readRetryCount​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the process ID from the job map created by this worker.
      static String readTriggerName​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the name of the WorkflowStates from the job map created by this worker.
      static String readUniqueId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
      Reads the unique ID from the job map created by this worker that indicates the identity of the job.
    • Method Detail

      • isDeleteJobAfterwards

        protected boolean isDeleteJobAfterwards​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx)
      • createJobMap

        public static org.quartz.JobDataMap createJobMap​(Vorgang formRecord,
                                                         WorkflowTrigger trigger,
                                                         FcStateTimerProps props,
                                                         Instant triggerFireInstant)
        Creates the job data map for the quartz job required by a workflow trigger of type EWorkflowTriggerType.FC_STATE_TIMER.
        formRecord - Form record to which the trigger applies.
        trigger - The actual workflow trigger.
        props - Deserialized properties model of the trigger.
        triggerFireInstant - Point in time when the trigger should fire.
        The job data map with the details for the worker.
      • readLastScheduledStateUuid

        public static UUID readLastScheduledStateUuid​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the UUID of the WorkflowState for which the job was scheduled most recently from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The UUIDs of the WorkflowStates contained in the given job map.
      • execute

        public final void execute​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Specified by:
        execute in interface org.quartz.Job
      • checkPreconditions

        protected boolean checkPreconditions​(org.quartz.JobExecutionContext ctx,
                                             WorkflowTriggerWorkerParams<TData> params)
        Optional check for the preconditions before the trigger is invoked. Optional because the workflow event runner checks the preconditions as well.
        ctx - Current job execution context.
        params - Parameters for the trigger.
        true to proceed with firing the trigger, false otherwise.
      • readPreviousFireTime

        public static Instant readPreviousFireTime​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the last fire time from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The previous fire time that was stored when the trigger was created / updated.
      • readProcessDbId

        public static String readProcessDbId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the process database ID from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The process ID stored in the given job map.
      • readProcessId

        public static String readProcessId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Use readProcessDbId(JobDataMap). The process ID may change.
        Reads the process ID from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The process ID stored in the given job map.
      • readRetryCount

        public static long readRetryCount​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the process ID from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The process ID stored in the given job map.
      • readTriggerName

        public static String readTriggerName​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the name of the WorkflowStates from the job map created by this worker.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The name of the WorkflowTriggers contained in the given job map.
      • readUniqueId

        public static String readUniqueId​(org.quartz.JobDataMap jobDataMap)
        Reads the unique ID from the job map created by this worker that indicates the identity of the job. This ID is changed each time the JOB is created or updated.
        jobDataMap - The job map created by worker.
        The process ID stored in the given job map.
      • addCommonEntries

        protected static void addCommonEntries​(org.quartz.JobDataMap dataMap,
                                               Vorgang formRecord,
                                               WorkflowTrigger trigger,
                                               Instant triggerFireInstant)