Class FcSendFormRecordMessageProps

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcSendFormRecordMessageProps

        public FcSendFormRecordMessageProps()
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageContent

        public String getMessageContent()
        Gets the content of the message to create. May contain placeholders.
        The message content.
      • setMessageContent

        public void setMessageContent​(String messageContent)
        Sets the content of the message to create. May contain placeholders.
        messageContent - The message content.
      • getSenderName

        public String getSenderName()
        The name of the sender of the message. The actual user who sent the message will always be set to the system user. However, the sender name can be set to any arbitrary value. May contain placeholders.
        The sender name.
      • setSenderName

        public void setSenderName​(String senderName)
        The name of the sender of the message. The actual user who sent the message will always be set to the system user. However, the sender name can be set to any arbitrary value. May contain placeholders.
        senderName - The sender name.
      • getTargetChatType

        public ESendFormRecordMessageTargetChatType getTargetChatType()
        How to determine the chat to which the message will be sent. Either creates a new chat or uses an existing one. For a new chat, the recipient needs to be specified. For an existing chat, it needs to be identified by its UUID.
        The target chat type.
      • setTargetChatType

        public void setTargetChatType​(ESendFormRecordMessageTargetChatType targetChatType)
        How to determine the chat to which the message will be sent. Either creates a new chat or uses an existing one. For a new chat, the recipient needs to be specified. For an existing chat, it needs to be identified by its UUID.
        targetChatType - The target chat type.
      • getTargetChatUuid

        public String getTargetChatUuid()
        When the target chat type is set to EXISTING_CHAT: the UUID of an existing chat to use for sending the message. May contain placeholders, and even should contain placeholders, as the UUID is not known at design time.
        The UUID of the target chat.
      • setTargetChatUuid

        public void setTargetChatUuid​(String targetChatUuid)
        When the target chat type is set to EXISTING_CHAT: the UUID of an existing chat to use for sending the message. May contain placeholders, and even should contain placeholders, as the UUID is not known at design time.
        targetChatUuid - The UUID of the target chat.
      • getTargetMemberType

        public ESendFormRecordMessageTargetMemberType getTargetMemberType()
        The workflow action creates a new chat for the message. This property controls the members of the newly created chat. When the member is anonymous or the system user, the action raises an error.
        The target member type.
      • setTargetMemberType

        public void setTargetMemberType​(ESendFormRecordMessageTargetMemberType targetMemberType)
        The workflow action creates a new chat for the message. This property controls the members of the newly created chat. When the member is anonymous or the system user, the action raises an error.
        targetMemberType - The target member type.
      • isOpenChat

        public boolean isOpenChat()
        Gets whether the chat should be opened after the message has been created. When enabled, the end user can send replies. When disabled, the end user cannot send replies (but an inbox agent can still send messages to the end user).
        Whether the chat should be opened after the message has been created.
      • setOpenChat

        public void setOpenChat​(boolean openChat)
        Set whether the chat should be opened after the message has been created. When enabled, the end user can send replies. When disabled, the end user cannot send replies (but an inbox agent can still send messages to the end user).
        openChat - Whether the chat should be opened after the message has been created.