Class DesignerConfigFactory

  • public final class DesignerConfigFactory
    extends Object
    Utility methods for creating the designer JSON config required by the client side JavaScript.
    • Method Detail

      • createDesignerConfig

        public static String createDesignerConfig​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext,
                                                  IEntityContext ec,
                                                  Mandant client,
                                                  IUser user,
                                                  BaseDesignerModel baseModel,
                                                  Locale locale,
                                                  ProjectPageBean projectHolder,
                                                  IXFormRenderConfig formRenderConfig,
                                                  String conversationId)
        Creates the designer config for the current faces request and the given model.
        facesContext - Faces context of the current faces request, used e.g. to encode URLs.
        ec - Entity context for database transactions.
        client - Current client.
        user - Current user.
        baseModel - Model with the current server side configuration, such as the current user and project.
        locale - Current locale.
        projectHolder - Current project.
        formRenderConfig - Config for the form that is being edited.
        conversationId - ID of the designer session.
        A newly created designer config.
      • createDesignerConfigJson

        public static createDesignerConfigJson​(javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext,
                                                                               IEntityContext ec,
                                                                               Mandant client,
                                                                               IUser user,
                                                                               BaseDesignerModel baseModel,
                                                                               Locale locale,
                                                                               ProjectPageBean projectHolder,
                                                                               IXFormRenderConfig formRenderConfig,
                                                                               String conversationId)
        Creates the designer config for the current faces request and the given model.
        facesContext - Faces context of the current faces request, used e.g. to encode URLs.
        ec - Entity context for database transactions.
        client - Current client.
        user - Current user.
        baseModel - Model with the current server side configuration, such as the current user and project.
        locale - Current locale.
        projectHolder - Current project.
        formRenderConfig - Config for the form that is being edited.
        conversationId - ID of the designer session.
        A newly created designer config.