Interface IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • buildProps

        FcUserInvocationProps buildProps()
        Builds a new user invocation trigger model instance with the current configuration.
        The new model.
      • displayName

        IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder displayName​(Locale locale,
                                                  String displayName)
        Sets the display name of the trigger in a specific locale.
        locale - The locale.
        displayName - The display name.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • userGroup

        IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder userGroup​(BenutzerGruppe userGroup)
        Adds a user group to the list of groups that is allowed to initiate the trigger. When no group is set, no restriction is applied.
        userGroup - A user group to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • userGroups

        default IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder userGroups​(BenutzerGruppe... userGroups)
        Adds user groups to the list of groups that is allowed to initiate the trigger. When no group is set, no restriction is applied.
        userGroups - User groups to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • userGroups

        default IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder userGroups​(Iterable<BenutzerGruppe> userGroups)
        Adds user groups to the list of groups that is allowed to initiate the trigger. When no group is set, no restriction is applied.
        userGroups - User groups to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • workflowState

        IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder workflowState​(WorkflowState state)
        Adds a workflow state to the list of state a form record must have for the trigger to be initiated. When no state is set, no restriction is applied.
        state - A workflow state to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • workflowStates

        default IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder workflowStates​(WorkflowState... states)
        Adds workflow states to the list of state a form record must have for the trigger to be initiated. When no state is set, no restriction is applied.
        states - Workflow states to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • workflowStates

        default IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder workflowStates​(Iterable<WorkflowState> states)
        Adds workflow states to the list of state a form record must have for the trigger to be initiated. When no state is set, no restriction is applied.
        states - Workflow states to add.
        This builder for chaining method calls.