Interface IWorkflowTaskHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getInboxTasks

        List<WorkflowTask> getInboxTasks​(UserContext uc,
                                         Vorgang formRecord,
                                         IUser user)
        Finds all tasks that are allowed to be invoked by the given user in the inbox.
        uc - Current user context for database transactions.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the tasks.
        user - User for checking permissions.
        A list of all invokable tasks for the given form record, restricted to the tasks permitted to the given user. The WorkflowTask.getTrigger() field will be initialized.
      • isTaskInvokableInInbox

        boolean isTaskInvokableInInbox​(UserContext uc,
                                       WorkflowTask task,
                                       Vorgang formRecord,
                                       IUser user)
        Checks whether the given task may be initiated by the given user in the inbox.
        uc - Current user context for database transactions.
        task - A workflow task to check.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the tasks.
        user - User for checking permissions.
        true if the given user is permitted to initiated the given task, or false otherwise.
      • isTaskInvokableInInbox

        boolean isTaskInvokableInInbox​(UserContext uc,
                                       WorkflowTask task,
                                       Vorgang formRecord,
                                       Benutzer user)
        Checks whether the given task may be initiated by the given user in the inbox.
        uc - Current user context for database transactions.
        task - A workflow task to check.
        formRecord - Form record for which to find the tasks.
        user - User for checking permissions.
        true if the given user is permitted to initiated the given task, or false otherwise.