Class UserPortalAuthConfigHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserPortalAuthConfigHandler

        public UserPortalAuthConfigHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getByUserPortalUuid

        public PagedResult<UserPortalAuthConfig> getByUserPortalUuid​(UserContext uc,
                                                                     UUID userPortalUuid,
                                                                     int page,
                                                                     int pageSize)
        Description copied from interface: IUserPortalAuthConfigHandler
        Returns all user portal auth config entities for the given user portal UUID in the order they are configured in the user portal.
        Specified by:
        getByUserPortalUuid in interface IUserPortalAuthConfigHandler
        uc - user context for database transactions.
        userPortalUuid - of the user portal.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get. Defines the size of the returned sub list.
        a list of all user portal auth config entities for the given user portal UUID in the order they are configured in the user portal or null if there does not exist a user portal with the given UUID.