Class AuthorizerFactory

  • public class AuthorizerFactory
    extends Object
    Builder for different types of IAuthorizers.
    XIMA Media GmbH
    • Method Detail

      • authenticated

        public static IAuthorizer authenticated()
      • clientAccess

        public static IAuthorizer clientAccess()
      • projectEditor

        public static IAuthorizer projectEditor()
      • projectViewer

        public static IAuthorizer projectViewer()
      • formRecordInboxAccess

        public static IAuthorizer formRecordInboxAccess()
      • hasUserProfile

        public static IAuthorizer hasUserProfile​(boolean allowInvitedUser)
      • clientOrSystem

        public static IAuthorizer clientOrSystem​(IAuthorizer clientAuthorizer,
                                                 IAuthorizer systemAuthorizer)
        Creates a new authorizer that delegates to either the given client or system authorizer, depending on whether a client is present.
        clientAuthorizer - Authorizer to use for a client scope.
        systemAuthorizer - Authorizer to use for the system scope.
        An authorizer that checks whether a client is present and delegates to one of the given authorizers.
      • defaultSystemViewAuthorizer

        public static IAuthorizer defaultSystemViewAuthorizer​(IAccessProperty... requiredAccessProperties)
      • systemAdminRole

        public static IAuthorizer systemAdminRole()
      • superUserRole

        public static IAuthorizer superUserRole()
      • defaultClientViewAuthorizer

        public static IAuthorizer defaultClientViewAuthorizer​(IAccessProperty... requiredAccessProperties)