Enum EShape

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ASSEMBLY

        public static final EShape ASSEMBLY
        The assembly shape.
      • BOX

        public static final EShape BOX
        The box shape.
      • BOX3D

        public static final EShape BOX3D
        The box3d shape.
      • CDS

        public static final EShape CDS
        The cds shape.
      • CIRCLE

        public static final EShape CIRCLE
        The circle shape.

        public static final EShape COMPONENT
        The component shape.
      • CYLINDER

        public static final EShape CYLINDER
        The cylinder shape.
      • DIAMOND

        public static final EShape DIAMOND
        The diamond shape.

        public static final EShape DOUBLECIRCLE
        The doublecircle shape.

        public static final EShape DOUBLEOCTAGON
        The doubleoctagon shape.
      • EGG

        public static final EShape EGG
        The egg shape.
      • ELLIPSE

        public static final EShape ELLIPSE
        The ellipse shape.
      • EPSF

        public static final EShape EPSF
        User-defined shape, requires a shapefile attribute.

        public static final EShape FIVEPOVERHANG
        The fivepoverhang shape.
      • FOLDER

        public static final EShape FOLDER
        The folder shape.
      • HEXAGON

        public static final EShape HEXAGON
        The hexagon shape.
      • HOUSE

        public static final EShape HOUSE
        The house shape.

        public static final EShape INSULATOR
        The insulator shape.
      • INVHOUSE

        public static final EShape INVHOUSE
        The invhouse shape.

        public static final EShape INVTRAPEZIUM
        The invtrapezium shape.

        public static final EShape INVTRIANGLE
        The invtriangle shape.
      • LARROW

        public static final EShape LARROW
        The larrow shape.

        public static final EShape LPROMOTER
        The lpromoter shape.
      • MCIRCLE

        public static final EShape MCIRCLE
        The Mcircle shape.
      • MDIAMOND

        public static final EShape MDIAMOND
        The Mdiamond shape.
      • MSQUARE

        public static final EShape MSQUARE
        The Msquare shape.
      • NONE

        public static final EShape NONE
        The none shape.
      • NOTE

        public static final EShape NOTE
        The note shape.

        public static final EShape NOVERHANG
        The noverhang shape.
      • OCTAGON

        public static final EShape OCTAGON
        The octagon shape.
      • OVAL

        public static final EShape OVAL
        The oval shape.

        public static final EShape PARALLELOGRAM
        The parallelogram shape.
      • PENTAGON

        public static final EShape PENTAGON
        The pentagon shape.
      • PLAIN

        public static final EShape PLAIN
        The plain shape.

        public static final EShape PLAINTEXT
        The plaintext shape.
      • POINT

        public static final EShape POINT
        The point shape.
      • POLYGON

        public static final EShape POLYGON
        The polygon shape.

        public static final EShape PRIMERSITE
        The primersite shape.
      • PROMOTER

        public static final EShape PROMOTER
        The promoter shape.

        public static final EShape PROTEASESITE
        The proteasesite shape.

        public static final EShape PROTEINSTAB
        The proteinstab shape.
      • RARROW

        public static final EShape RARROW
        The rarrow shape.
      • RECORD

        public static final EShape RECORD
        Record-based shape, requires a definition in the label.
      • RECT

        public static final EShape RECT
        The rect shape.

        public static final EShape RECTANGLE
        The rectangle shape.

        public static final EShape RESTRICTIONSITE
        The restrictionsite shape.
      • RIBOSITE

        public static final EShape RIBOSITE
        The ribosite shape.
      • RNASTAB

        public static final EShape RNASTAB
        The rnastab shape.

        public static final EShape RPROMOTER
        The rpromoter shape.
      • SEPTAGON

        public static final EShape SEPTAGON
        The septagon shape.

        public static final EShape SIGNATURE
        The signature shape.
      • SQUARE

        public static final EShape SQUARE
        The square shape.
      • STAR

        public static final EShape STAR
        The star shape.
      • TAB

        public static final EShape TAB
        The tab shape.

        public static final EShape TERMINATOR
        The terminator shape.

        public static final EShape THREEPOVERHANG
        The threepoverhang shape.

        public static final EShape TRAPEZIUM
        The trapezium shape.
      • TRIANGLE

        public static final EShape TRIANGLE
        The triangle shape.

        public static final EShape TRIPLEOCTAGON
        The tripleoctagon shape.

        public static final EShape UNDERLINE
        The underline shape.
      • UTR

        public static final EShape UTR
        The utr shape.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static EShape[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (EShape c : EShape.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static EShape valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • shapeName

        public String shapeName()
        Name of this shape.
      • charAt

        public default char charAt​(int index)
        Specified by:
        charAt in interface CharSequence
      • equals

        public abstract boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public abstract int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object