Class LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest

        public LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest​(EContentView contentView,
                                            String fileName,
                                            String importId)
        Creates a new POJO with the given data.
        contentView - Content view of the source that initiated the request.
        fileName - Name of the PDF form file.
        importId - ID of the imported file.
      • LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest

        public LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest​(String sourceTabId,
                                            String fileName,
                                            String importId)
        Creates a new POJO with the given data.
        sourceTabId - Value returned by IDesignerConversationRequest.getSourceTabId().
        fileName - Name of the PDF form file.
        importId - ID of the imported file.
    • Method Detail

      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
        Name of the PDF form file.
      • getImportId

        public String getImportId()
        ID of the uploaded PDF document. Used to identify the PDF later.
      • getResponseType

        public Class<? extends Serializable> getResponseType()
        Type of the requested data.