Class TaskQueueExecutionResult

    • Method Detail

      • getMainResult

        public ITaskExecutionResult getMainResult()
        Description copied from interface: ITaskQueueExecutionResult
        Gets the combined result obtained after each task was executed. This is mostly just the individual result of the task that was run most recently. Certain details such as the HTTP servlet response may originate from a different task.
        Specified by:
        getMainResult in interface ITaskQueueExecutionResult
        The combined result obtained after each task was executed.
      • getIndividualResults

        public List<ITaskExecutionResult> getIndividualResults()
        Specified by:
        getIndividualResults in interface ITaskQueueExecutionResult
        The individual results for each task that was executed. This is a list of snapshots of the result obtained after each task was run. Tasks run prior to another task may affect the individual result of that task.
      • forException

        public static TaskQueueExecutionResult forException​(ITaskExecutionErrorResult errorResult,
                                                            List<ITaskExecutionResult> individualResults)
        errorResult - Exception of the failed tasks that caused the queue to end in an error.
        individualResults - List with all individual results for each task queue item.
        A new POJO with the error result as the main result and the given individual results.
      • forSuccess

        public static TaskQueueExecutionResult forSuccess​(ITaskExecutionSuccessResult successResult,
                                                          List<ITaskExecutionResult> individualResults)
        successResult - Combined success result of all executed tasks.
        individualResults - List with all individual results for each task queue item.
        A new POJO with the success result as the main result and the given individual results.