Annotation Type NotEmptyLocalization

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String value
      The message key for which the localized message should be non-empty.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class<?>[] groups  
      String message
      Gets the key for creating error messages in case the constraint is violated.
      Class<? extends javax.validation.Payload>[] payload  
      String property
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String value
        The message key for which the localized message should be non-empty.
        The message key for which a message must exist.
      • groups

        Class<?>[] groups
        Allows the specification of validation groups, to which this constraint belongs. When not specified, the constraint is placed in the Default group.
      • message

        String message
        Gets the key for creating error messages in case the constraint is violated.
        The default key for creating error messages in case the constraint is violated.
      • payload

        Class<? extends javax.validation.Payload>[] payload
        The payload that can be used by clients of the Jakarta Bean Validation API to assign custom payload objects to a constraint.
      • property

        String property
        Optional. By default, the constraint violation is added to the path pointing to the map value entry#getMessages that contains the non-empty message. This property lets you change the path to some arbitrary property of the entry.

        May be useful when you use a custom entry implementation that has a virtual getter/setter method for getting/setting the value at a certain map key.

        A particular use case is when you use such a special bean property as a value expression to a Faces component on a facelet page. In combination with the validateBean tag, this lets it find the component from which to retrieve the label.

        The name of the message key to use when adding the constraint violation.