Class ServerNodeDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerNodeDao

        public ServerNodeDao()
    • Method Detail

      • isCurrentNodeAccepted

        public boolean isCurrentNodeAccepted​(IEntityContext ec,
                                             LicenseModel systemLicense)
        Description copied from interface: IServerNodeDao
        Checks if the current node is accepted with the given system license.
        Specified by:
        isCurrentNodeAccepted in interface IServerNodeDao
        ec - the entity context.
        systemLicense - the system license to check against.
        true if the node was accepted, false otherwise.
      • removeNode

        public void removeNode​(IEntityContext ec,
                               String nodeName)
        Description copied from interface: IServerNodeDao
        Adds a new node to the database.
        Specified by:
        removeNode in interface IServerNodeDao
        ec - the entity context.
        nodeName - the name of the node to add.
      • removeExpiredNodes

        public void removeExpiredNodes​(IEntityContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: IServerNodeDao
        Removes all nodes that have not pinged the server for a certain amount of time.
        Specified by:
        removeExpiredNodes in interface IServerNodeDao
        ec - the entity context.
      • getNodeCount

        public long getNodeCount​(IEntityContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: IServerNodeDao
        Returns the number of nodes currently in the database.
        Specified by:
        getNodeCount in interface IServerNodeDao
        ec - the entity context.
        the number of nodes.