Class FRQSession

    • Field Detail

      • isAnonymize

        protected boolean isAnonymize
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        the formSessionId
      • getMandantId

        public long getMandantId()
        The ID of the client to which the form belongs.
      • getClientUuid

        public UUID getClientUuid()
        The UUID of the client to which the form belongs.
      • getProjectId

        public long getProjectId()
        the projectId
      • getFormVersionId

        public long getFormVersionId()
        the formVersionId
      • getUserModel

        public IUser getUserModel()
      • setUserModel

        public void setUserModel​(IUser user)
      • getUserProfile

        public org.pac4j.core.profile.CommonProfile getUserProfile()
      • setUserProfile

        public void setUserProfile​(org.pac4j.core.profile.CommonProfile profile)
      • getRequestUrl

        public String getRequestUrl()
      • setRequestUrl

        public void setRequestUrl​(String requestUrl)
      • getRequestTypes

        public List<EFormRequestType> getRequestTypes()
        During a single FRQ session, multiple HTTP requests may be made. For example, during the usual lifecycle of an FRQ session, the form is first requested (PROVIDE, REVIEW etc.) and subsequentially submitted (PROCESS). This method returns a list of all request types.
        All request types, with the first entry being the first request and the last entry being the most recent request.
      • setRequestTypes

        public void setRequestTypes​(List<EFormRequestType> requestTypes)
        During a single FRQ session, multiple HTTP requests may be made. For example, during the usual lifecycle of an FRQ session, the form is first requested (PROVIDE, REVIEW etc.) and subsequentially submitted (PROCESS). This method returns a list of all request types.
        requestTypes - All request types, with the first entry being the first request and the last entry being the most recent request.
      • getMostRecentRequestType

        public EFormRequestType getMostRecentRequestType()
        The type of the most recent request that was made.
        See Also:
      • getInitialRequestType

        public EFormRequestType getInitialRequestType()
        The type of the original request that started this FRQ session.
        See Also:
      • setInProcess

        public void setInProcess​(boolean inProcess)
      • isInProcess

        public boolean isInProcess()
      • setAnonymize

        public void setAnonymize​(boolean anonymize)
      • isAnonymize

        public boolean isAnonymize()
      • createUserDataJSON

        public createUserDataJSON()
      • getProcessId

        public String getProcessId()
        Gets the process ID of the form record, if this FRQ session is associated with a form record. When a new form is opened, no form record was created yet.
        The process ID of the form record, or the empty string when this session does not have a form record.
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(Locale locale)
      • getUserLdapData

        public getUserLdapData()
      • setUserLdapData

        public void setUserLdapData​( userLdapData)