Interface IWorkflowTriggerHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getUserTriggersByRecordAndUser

        PagedResult<WorkflowTrigger> getUserTriggersByRecordAndUser​(UserContext uc,
                                                                    UUID formRecordUuid,
                                                                    IUser user,
                                                                    int page,
                                                                    int pageSize)
        Finds the workflow user triggers available for the form record given by its UUID if the given user can access the form record. The workflow triggers need to be of type FC_USER_INVOCATION., and they must be active.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        formRecordUuid - the UUID of the form record
        user - to get the user workflow triggers for.
        page - to get.
        pageSize - size of the page to get.
        a list of portal workflow triggers the user has access to ordered by their name (asc). null if the form record given by the UUID could not be found.
      • getUserTriggerByRecordAndUser

        WorkflowTrigger getUserTriggerByRecordAndUser​(UserContext uc,
                                                      UUID formRecordUuid,
                                                      IUser user,
                                                      UUID taskUuid,
                                                      UUID triggerUuid)
        Returns the workflow user trigger defined by the given record, task and trigger UUID. The workflow trigger needs to be of type FC_USER_INVOCATION, and it must be active.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        formRecordUuid - the UUID of the form record.
        user - to get the user workflow trigger for.
        taskUuid - the UUID of the workflow task.
        triggerUuid - the UUID of the workflow trigger.
        the workflow user trigger defined by the given record, task and trigger UUID. null if no workflow trigger was found with the given specification.