Interface IWorkflowHandlerValidationContext

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentResourceBundle

        ResourceBundle getCurrentResourceBundle()
        Resolves the resource bundle to be used for the workflow element that is currently being validated. This resource bundle takes into account the default resource bundle offered by formcycle, as well as the custom resource bundle indicated by IElementHandler.getResourceBundle(Locale).

        Please note as this depends upon the workflow element currently being validated, you should not store references to the returned bundle, always call this method directly.

        The current resource bundle containing all messages of the custom formcycle resources and the custom resources of the node or trigger handler.
      • getLocalizedMessage

        default String getLocalizedMessage​(String i18nKey,
                                           String defaultMessage,
                                           Object... params)
        Uses the getCurrentResourceBundle() to find the localized message with the given key. Makes sure to never throw an exception. When no localized message for the given key can be found, returns the default message.
        i18nKey - Key for looking up the localized message.
        defaultMessage - The message that is returned when no message for the given key is found.
        params - Values for formatting messages with parameters.
        The formatted, localized message for the given key.