Class CsvItemSourceHelper

  • public final class CsvItemSourceHelper
    extends Object
    Helper methods for CSV item sources of the for each loop in the workflow.
    • Method Detail

      • buildCsvFormatExampleString

        public static String buildCsvFormatExampleString​(AListItemSourceProps sourceProps)
        Sometimes, it is easier to understand the format by looking at an example.

        When the type item list source CHARACTER_SEPARATED_VALUES is selected: Gets a formatted string of values using the currently selected format settings. When the string returned by this method is split into individual values using the current format settings, this results in the list of example values.

        The list of example values, formatted according to the given settings.
      • buildCsvFormatExampleValues

        public static List<String> buildCsvFormatExampleValues​(AListItemSourceProps sourceProps)
        Sometimes, it is easier to understand the format by looking at an example.

        When the type item list source CHARACTER_SEPARATED_VALUES is selected: Gets a list of example values. The example string is the formatted string, this method returns the values obtained when splitting that formatted string according to the given format settings.

        A list of sample values for illustrating the currently selected format.
      • builderCsvFormat

        public static CsvFormat.Builder builderCsvFormat​(AListItemSourcePropsCsvFormat props)
        Creates a builder for a CsvFormat ands sets it up with the data from the given workflow node properties model. Can be used to customize the format further before building the format.
        props - The properties model.
        The CSV format builder.
      • builderCsvFormat

        public static CsvFormat.Builder builderCsvFormat​(ListItemSourcePropsCharacterSeparatedValues props)
        Creates a builder for a CsvFormat ands sets it up with the data from the given workflow node properties model. Can be used to customize the format further before building the format.
        props - The properties model.
        The CSV format builder.
      • builderCsvFormat

        public static CsvFormat.Builder builderCsvFormat​(ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues props)
        Creates a builder for a CsvFormat ands sets it up with the data from the given workflow node properties model. Can be used to customize the format further before building the format.
        props - The properties model.
        The CSV format builder.