Class FileValueDescriptor

    • Method Detail

      • getFiles

        public Map<String,​IFileListDescriptor> getFiles()
        Description copied from interface: IFileValueDescriptor
        Gets the descriptor for the list of files provided by the workflow element. Different types of files may be provided. The map key is an internal technical identifier for the file type. Use IFileValueDescriptor.DEFAULT_FILE_KEY as the key for the default list of files. For example, a workflow action that creates a certificate might provide different a file for the certificate signing request, a file for the private key, and a file for the public key.
        Specified by:
        getFiles in interface IFileValueDescriptor
        The descriptor for the list of files provided by the workflow element.
      • intersect

        public IFileValueDescriptor intersect​(IFileValueDescriptor other)
        Description copied from interface: IFileValueDescriptor
        Intersects this file value descriptor with another file value descriptor. The intersection of two file value descriptors is a new value list descriptor that only allows files that are allowed by both file list descriptors. When the two file value descriptors are incompatible, returns an empty descriptor.
        Specified by:
        intersect in interface IFileValueDescriptor
        other - The other file value descriptor to intersect with.
        The intersection of this file value descriptor with the other file value descriptor.
      • builder

        public IFileValueBuilder builder()
        Description copied from interface: IFileValueDescriptor
        Creates a builder for building a file value that conforms to this file value descriptor.
        Specified by:
        builder in interface IFileValueDescriptor
        A builder for building a file value that conforms to this file value descriptor.
      • empty

        public static IFileValueDescriptor empty()
        Creates an empty file value descriptor for when no files are provided.
        An empty file value descriptor.
      • emptyFileValueDescriptorIfNull

        public static IFileValueDescriptor emptyFileValueDescriptorIfNull​(IFileValueDescriptor fileValueDescriptor)
        Returns the given file value descriptor if it is not null, or an empty file value descriptor otherwise.
        fileValueDescriptor - The file value descriptor to return if it is not null.
        The given file value descriptor if it is not null, or an empty file value descriptor otherwise.
      • fileValueDescriptorBuilder

        public static FileValueDescriptor.Builder fileValueDescriptorBuilder()
        Creates a new builder for a file value descriptor.
        A new builder for a file value descriptor.