Interface IUserEmailHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getByAddress

        List<UserEmail> getByAddress​(UserContext uc,
                                     String address)
        Finds the user email entities with the given address. There may be multiple user email entities with the same address. But there can only be one verified user email with the given address.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        address - of the user email entity (case irrelevant).
        A list of user email entities with the given email address.
      • getByVerifiedAddress

        UserEmail getByVerifiedAddress​(UserContext uc,
                                       String address)
        Finds the verified user email entity with the given address. There may only be one verified user email entity with the given address.
        uc - user context for accessing the database.
        address - of the verified user email entity (case irrelevant).
        The verified user email entity with the given email address or null.