Class UserPortalImageBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserPortalImageBean

        public UserPortalImageBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getLogoImage

        public String getLogoImage()
        Gets the URL to the logo image. May be empty when none was set.
        URL to the logo image.
      • getThemeCss

        public String getThemeCss()
        Gets the URL to the theme CSS. May be empty when none was set.
        URL to the theme CSS.
      • getThemeJs

        public String getThemeJs()
        Gets the URL to the theme JavaScript. May be empty when none was set.
        URL to the theme JavaScript.
      • getWelcomeImage

        public String getWelcomeImage()
        Gets the URL to the welcome image. May be empty when none was set.
        URL to the welcome image.
      • init

        public void init()