Interface IChangeFormValuesBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        WorkflowNode build()
                    throws FastJsonException
        Creates a new workflow node that changes the value of one or more form elements. Subsequent modifications to this builder do not affect the returned node.
        The new workflow node.
        FastJsonException - When the properties model could not be serialized.
      • buildProps

        FcChangeFormValueProps buildProps()
        Creates a new workflow node properties POJO that changes the value of one or more form elements. Subsequent modifications to this builder do not affect the returned node.
        The new workflow node.
      • formValue

        IChangeFormValuesBuilder formValue​(Setting<String> formValue)
        Sets the value of the given form element to the given value. Placeholders can be used in the value.
        formValue - The name of the form element to change, and the new value of the form element.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • formValue

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder formValue​(String name,
                                                   String value)
        Sets the value of the given form element to the given value. Placeholders can be used in the value.
        name - The name of the form element to change.
        value - The new value of the form element.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • formValues

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder formValues​(Iterable<Setting<String>> formValues)
        Sets the values of the given form element to the given values. Placeholders can be used in the value.
        formValues - The name of the form element to change, and the new values of the form elements.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • formValues

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder formValues​(Map<String,​String> formValues)
        Sets the value of the given form elements to the given values. Placeholders can be used in the value.
        formValues - A map of form element names to their new values.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • repetitionSize

        IChangeFormValuesBuilder repetitionSize​(Setting<String> repetitionSize)
        Sets the repetition count of the given repeated form element to the given value. Placeholders can be used in the value. The value must evaluate to a valid base 10 representation of an integer.
        repetitionSize - The name of the repeated form element to change and the new repetition count of the form element.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • repetitionSize

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder repetitionSize​(String name,
                                                        String value)
        Sets the repetition count of the given repeated form element to the given value. Placeholders can be used in the value. The value must evaluate to a valid base 10 representation of an integer.
        name - The name of the repeated form element to change.
        value - The new repetition count of the form element.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • repetitionSizes

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder repetitionSizes​(Map<String,​String> repetitionSizes)
        Sets the repetition count of the given repeated form elements to the given values. Placeholders can be used in the value. The value must evaluate to a valid base 10 representation of an integer.
        repetitionSizes - A map of form element names to their new repetition counts.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • repetitionSizes

        default IChangeFormValuesBuilder repetitionSizes​(Iterable<Setting<String>> repetitionSizes)
        Sets the repetition count of the given repeated form elements to the given values. Placeholders can be used in the value. The value must evaluate to a valid base 10 representation of an integer.
        repetitionSizes - A map of form element names to their new repetition counts.
        This builder for chaining method calls.